Saturday, September 17, 2016

It is an emergency

 It is an emergency

When it comes to health, it is possible, do not wait until the last. When an urgent need to dial "03", and when you can wait?

No cause for concern

Many people simply do not know on what occasions should seek emergency medical care, and therefore call the "fast" on any trifles. Sometimes they even scandals and require them to come and do the planned puncture or dressing - that is the procedure to do in the clinic in the community. Therefore, we first call the range of circumstances under which disturb the "fast" does not follow.

So, "fast" does not leave:

● to carry out scheduled appointments local doctor (injections, IVs, bandaging, and so on. D.) Or for the issuance of certificates and papers;
● an exacerbation of chronic diseases (if the patient's condition requires emergency medical care);
● to provide dental care;
● for in-hospital transport;
● transport the dead to the morgue.

The sooner, the better

But if the patient's condition threatens his health and life itself, as recorded in the order of the Health Ministry on the procedure for emergency treatment, you should immediately dial the phone "03". But then the question arises: what is considered threatening condition, and that - no?

Well, accidents, say, everything is clear. If a person has a serious injury, burns or electric shock, or, say, the poisoning of some poison and the like, of course, then there is a threat to life and delay the call of "first" is not worth it. But what if there is no apparent reason that resulted in the deterioration of health, was not: a person does not fall, I do not burn and does not take toxic substances, and yet he felt unwell?

Relying on the sensations in this case is not worth it. For example, some people, even in preinfarction and Pre-stroke conditions, do not see the risks they face, while others - too suspicious citizens - from pimple popped up on the bow, able to inflate the catastrophe of universal scale. So let us understand in detail.

Shortness of breath

This may be an attack of asthma, angioedema, a manifestation of acute heart failure or something else. Guessing is not necessary - an urgent need to dial "03", as it threatens the life of the state.

Before the arrival of the physician

If the patient - asthmatic, you need to take the appropriate medication. The room is open vents.


Any bleeding score can go for a minute, so it is necessary to call a doctor immediately.


If this is the patient's only complaint (besides the call made during the working hours clinics), the "fast" useless bother. The exceptions are children under 1 year - these doctors leave at any time. However, "fast" is obliged to come to an adult patient with a fever, if in addition to the heat of the moment:

● any other dangerous symptoms of each of which are described later;
● antipyretic drugs do not help.
● have flu symptoms. As the analysis of the previous seasons, most of the deaths occurred due to late hospitalization of patients with a viral infection.

Before the arrival of the physician

Take antipyretic is not always the case. After high temperature often helps the body resist disease. Where useful in the heat and drink plenty of fresh air. It is possible to visit a doctor to rub the body with water and vinegar or alcohol. In addition, high temperature - is both a clue for the doctor (a type of fever helps to quickly orient the diagnosis).


Many believe that it is - a reason to take a pill, but not a reason to see a doctor. But often, a person with these symptoms need not just medical and ambulance. One of the causes of sudden and severe headache (especially when tilting the head forward) - meningitis. If in addition to the headaches were nausea or vomiting, photophobia, drowsiness, confusion, we must urgently call the "fast". The same symptoms may indicate and Pre-stroke conditions. In this case, there are: numbness of the face, or half of the limb (usually on one side); slurred speech or even complete loss of the ability to speak. If you experience any of these symptoms immediately call "03"! To increase the chances to survive and retain the ability to speak and move only help early treatment.

Before the arrival of the physician

● Place the patient on a high pillow;
● Open the window or window. Remove tight clothing, unfasten collar shirt, a tight belt or waistband;
● Measure the blood pressure. If it is elevated, to give the patient a drug that he usually takes.

If the drug is not at hand, lower leg of the patient in a moderately hot water.

Loss of consciousness, seizures

Fainting can be a result of shock (eg, heart, myocardial infarction, or anaphylactic, allergy to various drugs and substances). And also - if internal bleeding and many other hazardous conditions. Seizures may indicate tetanus, brain tumor, hypertensive crisis, and others. When these symptoms without the "emergency" can not do.

Before the arrival of the physician

Give the patient to smell ammonia, to ensure peace.

Abdominal pain

This symptom may be accompanied by a huge number of diseases: acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and so on. D. Do not try to understand the causes of pain. Even experienced professional is often visited by doubt in the diagnosis, because, for example, appendicitis cleverly disguised as almost any discomfort in the abdominal area. Remember: when any sudden strong pain in the abdomen, and no matter where it hurts: right or left, above or below - immediately call "ambulance." The less time will pass from the time of inflammation, so it will be easier treatment and shorter rehabilitation period.

Before the arrival of the physician

All that is required - to provide the patient complete rest. In no event should not take painkillers - is smazhet picture of the disease and prevent the doctor to put the correct diagnosis. It is impossible, and apply to the sore spot warm heating pad or taking a bath. This is the shortest way to ensure that the inflammation and strengthen, such as appendicitis, peritonitis bring development. Do enemas, drink cholagogue drugs is not worth it in any case.


Sudden chest pain - a symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD). This pain can give back, neck, jaw, shoulder, arm. Swelling, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rapid pulse often accompany illness. Even if the unpleasant feeling lasts only a moment, and then let go, immediately seek medical attention.

Before the arrival of the physician

Pomeroy pressure and, if necessary, take medication that lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. Habitual heart medications, such as nitroglycerin and validol, with CHD do not help.

Lower back pain

It may be an acute attack of sciatica, intervertebral hernia infringement. Or a sign of kidney stones. In this case, as a rule, there is a sharp pain in the sacrum, often with a single hand.

Before the arrival of the physician

Help relieve the pain a warm heating pad and antispasmodics. However, since similar symptoms can be observed in some acute diseases of the abdominal cavity, where the thermal procedures to be dangerous, it is better from the self to the arrival of "first" to abstain.


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