Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Four problems for thyroid

 Four problems for thyroid

According to the observations of doctors or people tend to forget about the thyroid gland, or to reassess its role in health problems. Nevertheless, there are situations that signal: with shchitovidkoj something wrong, you need to contact the experts

Our expert - at the Department of Endocrinology of the Moscow Medical University. Sechenov, MD Valentin Fadeev .

Too few

The situation first . Young woman - "not sick, not healthy," doctors can not put any diagnosis, treatment does not give the desired effect.

The lack of thyroid hormones is often expressed in a wide variety of ailments. For example, in patients with insufficient thyroid function, hypothyroidism, hepatitis can be suspected, since they are characterized by yellowish color of the skin.

Young girls with poor thyroid function is often disturbed strong unreasonable fears, depression. They are characterized by lethargy, drowsiness. The lack of thyroid hormone affects the cardiovascular system. Disrupt the normal operation of the heart, heart failure develops, low (30% of patients) or high blood pressure. Doctors often only pay attention to the result - a violation of the cardiovascular system, ignoring the cause. Hypothyroidism is often accompanied by anemia - a shortage of hemoglobin in the body. At deficiency of thyroid hormones can be menstrual irregularities, loss of libido, uterine bleeding, the appearance of secretions from the breast.

Decision . If you notice such symptoms it is advisable to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland. It is very easy: you need to donate blood to determine the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), on the basis of which you can say for sure whether there is hypothyroidism. Treatment of hypothyroidism is now well developed. Against the background of well-chosen modern replacement therapy a person's life with a deficit of thyroid hormone is practically no different from usual.

Too many

The second situation . Woman lost weight dramatically, often irritated by trifles, experiencing mood swings.

This condition is associated with excessive production of thyroid hormones. Most often, they suffer from the young or middle-aged women with a certain hereditary predisposition. In these patients there is an arrhythmia of the heart, they lose weight, feel weak.

Decision . There are various methods of treatment of this disease. First of all, long (but not more than 1, 5 years) drugs that block production of thyroid hormones. The method is promising only in the case of a small increase in thyroid. Its efficiency is unfortunately small - about 30%.

In other cases, a more radical treatment - surgical removal of the thyroid gland or its destruction by radioactive iodine. Thereafter, patients receive replacement therapy of thyroid hormones. Afraid of radical treatment is not necessary, as the modern replacement therapy for hyperthyroidism allows a normal life, and virtually nothing does not deny.

All the nodes

Third situation . During the ultrasound discovered node thyroid.

The appearance of nodules are often to blame for long, for many decades, iodine deficiency.

However, the "nodular goiter" - this is only a preliminary diagnosis. Under it may hide different diseases - from the banal to the colloid goiter thyroid cancer. Although the vast majority of cases of malignancy are not talking.

Node in the thyroid - a tissue site that is different from the surrounding density, volume, and sometimes the structure. It can be more active than others parts of the gland to produce hormones. But most of organ function at the same time as a whole is not affected. That is why the appearance of the node is rarely accompanied by any symptoms.

There are other reasons for the formation of nodes, such as the thyroid gland cyst or autoimmune inflammation.
Usually, that the thyroid gland is a node, we learn from a physician who probes his hands. It also happens that the first node is detected only by ultrasound scan or radioisotope cancer.

Decision . If the node does not exceed 1 cm in diameter, and is not detectable, no further investigation and treatment is not required. It is only necessary follow-up. If the node is more often the doctor appoints needle biopsy. This is the most accurate diagnostic method. It allows you to establish a diagnosis and to choose the right tactics treatment.

Needle biopsy is absolutely harmless. Often it is performed under ultrasound guidance, and therefore, damage to other organs (that many fear) are not possible. In rare cases, the doctor may recommend surgery. For small entities, the tumor nature is ruled out, the operation is not required.

Heavy climax

Situation fourth . The woman took hard climax, and she feels quite ill.

The lack of thyroid hormones during this period can cause weakness, memory loss, changes in reflexes. Characteristic and various metabolic disorders: first lipid - in the blood of excess cholesterol builds up, developing atherosclerosis and obesity. Violations of water-salt metabolism manifested as edema. Due to the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx difficulty breathing, hoarseness appears. Swells and mucous auditory passages, which can lead to hearing loss.

Since thyroid hormones "responsible" for thermoregulation, when their lack of body temperature often decreases. It is not surprising that women are constantly freezing, feeling of sluggishness and fatigue.

Decision . In 8-10% of the women after the age of 50 years disrupted thyroid. In this case, the consultation of the endocrinologist is essential. The universal method of prevention of endemic goiter and other iodine deficiency disorders - the universal iodisation of salt. This method is approved by the WHO.

Through propaganda and organizational activities of domestic endocrinologists and a number of international organizations, the share of iodized salt in the Russian sales increases, she appeared in stores. Instead of the usual salt, use only iodized. Some believe that the right to eat fish, and iodine deficiency is not. Not every fish contains enough iodine, but only sea. To ensure the daily requirement of iodine, you need to eat 200-300 grams of fish every day so that unrealistic. And every day there are sea kale - employment for people with an iron will. Much easier to eat what you want, but instead use iodized common salt.


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