Saturday, September 24, 2016

A new method of breast cancer treatment

 A new method of breast cancer treatment  Breast cancer is among the leading cancer disease in women and its incidence is steadily increasing. The world is annually registered more than 1 million

of cases of breast cancer. The main treatment for this disease is currently considered complex treatment including surgery (most often it is the removal of the entire breast or mastectomy), chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and radiotherapy. However, there are more modern and sparing techniques that eliminate the need for removal of the breast and do not cause harm to the patient's body.

American researchers have provided important information about the latest method of treatment of breast cancer stem cells .  We know that each cancer cell performs its function, and only a small part of the cells have the unique ability to self-sustaining and form new tumor cells .  Approach professionals GENova center in New York based on the most modern technologies .  They allow to recognize specific proteins in tumor stem cells, which determine tumor growth .  Determination of molecular markers of these cells makes it possible to develop new effective treatments for cancer .  Studying stem tumor cells - a huge step towards a holistic understanding of disease .  Now, when it became vozmozhnymopredelit unique characteristics of these cells can develop cell-specific therapy aimed at their destruction and cure of breast cancer at the beginning of its development .

The key moment in modern biotechnology is the labeling of tumor cells directly to the location, where is their distribution and growth. Now that they can identify unique proteins scientists synthesized programmed for the destruction of tumor cells, while
healthy cells are not zatronuty.Spetsialisty Research Center in New York are planning to use these technologies in the development of new anticancer drugs.

In the future, this technology will allow to determine the healthy stem cells, and then create and introduce them so that they can destroy the cells were swollen, thereby contributing to the healing of patients from the deadly disease. A new treatment for breast cancer has huge advantages over the currently used disfiguring mastectomy and radiation therapy obsolete.

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