Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why do people tell lies?

 Why do people tell lies?  Psychologists believe that the tendency to lie is formed in childhood and is associated with the experiences of a person because of rejection or humiliation by parents, teachers or other children.

Experts have long been studying the psychology of lies. According to experts, in human society it is impossible to be completely without cheating - one way or another, but all have to fib. The man who always speaks the truth, inevitably has a reputation of the candidate in a psychiatric hospital, to coexist with the other he can not.

However, constantly building relationships in a lie, too, is fraught with failure. If a person is lying, not only to avoid conflict, but also to benefit, credibility is undermined. Especially when a close relationship: the closer they are, the more hurt feelings lie.

Some psychologists believe lies a kind of defensive reaction to the pressure of the cruel world around. Even as a child, in their opinion, people are able to experience traumatic stress, associated with deprivation, humiliation, rejection, moral and material decline. Beating on the self-esteem of the criticism from adults or peers unwillingness to take your company, or the lack of response to the romantic feeling - all this at a time of childhood and adolescence can be a difficult test for the fragile psyche.

Other children and adolescents is unbearably hard to accept the events of his real life: for example, the poor and alcoholic parents, the low social status of his family, setbacks in his personal life. In such circumstances, as a defense against stress a person begins to imagine a different reality, much more successful. This facilitates the load of emotional stress, allows you to "hide" from the problems. But here there is a great risk that people can get carried away and start to lie.

"Any pathological or just a very common lie is explained from a psychological point of view, one regularity: telling lies person creates around itself other, different from the actual space that becomes a less traumatic, and thus more comfortable and happy - said in an interview MEDdaily psychologist and author of the project «Casual-psy - psychology of everyday life," Maria Pugacheva. But instead of simply thinking about their problems, one begins to invent some new and interesting events, facts about yourself. "

According to Maria Pugacheva, in childhood or adolescence liars have gone through difficult situations, and their offenders are usually the parents, classmates, teachers or employers first. Growing up, former victims are constantly forced to defend himself with lies, not to survive the bitter emotions again.


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