Thursday, April 14, 2016

We found a cure for Parkinson's disease: a scientific sensation!

 We found a cure for Parkinson's disease: a scientific sensation!  Scholars may receive funds from the incurable as previously thought, illness.

Parkinson's disease is the most common disease in the world among the elderly, suffer them equally men and women. Although the first bells may appear in 40 years and even before, as, for example, from Muhammad Ali. The main manifestation - tremors and involuntary movements of the arms and legs, which are due to the withering away of neurons in certain areas of the brain.

Causes of this disease are not fully known - and atherosclerosis of the brain and injuries. Home Version - specific genetic defects (PINK1 and Parkin), which manifest themselves under certain circumstances. Treatment As for the last time, too, was largely symptomatic.

But it seems that patients with Parkinson's in the near future it will be possible to provide more effective assistance. Neurologist Patrick Verstrekenu with colleagues from Northern Illinois University was able to cope with a genetic defect that causes Parkinson's disease - due to vitamin K2, according to medical publication Science.

It is known that the mitochondria produce energy in the cell, transferring electrons. Patients with Parkinson mainly affects the function. That is, the cell loses energy and begins to fade, due neurons collapsing. And the signal from the brain to the limbs is defective. A vitamin K2 injection responsible for blood clotting and vascular conductance, improved energy production in mitochondria. And neural connections were restored. Anyway, tests on laboratory animals have given good results.

By the way, the most vitamin K2 in egg yolks, beef liver and kidneys.


The main symptoms of Parkinson's disease:

1. Stiffness and slowness of movement, usually begin in the right half of the body, and then, after a while, gradually capture the other side.

2. Power of all muscles - increased tone. It is involuntary and eventually the patient limbs gradually bent, back ssutulivaetsya. Neuroscientists call this position "posture of the petitioner."

3. gait becomes shuffling and mincing. The man shifts the center of gravity, he loses his balance and even falls.

4. When a patient does not move his arms and shaking his chin clearly, but the tremor during movement was observed.

5. The patient has "frozen" face, he rarely blinks.

6. Despite the fact that the intellect remains, slowed thinking and attention.

7. associated disorders are: reduction of smell, constipation, urination disorders.


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