Saturday, April 23, 2016

Recognize narcissus help one question

Scientists at Ohio State University in the US found that the degree of narcissistic or that person can be judged after answering just one question. This conclusion was reached after 11 experiments involving 2200 people of different ages.

 Recognize narcissus help one question  Jonquil

Selfish people concentrate on your own needs and feelings, and admiring an extremely called daffodils . These people society has traditionally been negative, although many Daffodils   very cleverly disguised. American scientists have found that disrupt this disguise is quite simple - we just have to ask the person to answer only one simple question.

Researchers asked participants in the experiment how narcissistic They consider themselves to be on the seven-point scale, where 1 is "I am not Narcissus at all "and 7 -" This is my true nature. " It turned out that the answer to this question gave almost exactly the same results as and much more complex rating scale daffodils, developed by scientists and composed of 40 questions. And where you can ask a question, do not need the extra 39.

"People who recognize themselves For this seven-point scale with more narcissistic and more likely are established, - says the author Brad Bushman of the experiment. - Practically Daffodils proud of the properties of the character. You can ask them about it directly, and they answer, because they do not consider their Narcissism something negative. They believe that superior to other people, and they have no complexes interfering announce it publicly. "(Read More)


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