Friday, January 4, 2019

Allergic conjunctivitis

May 6, 2011

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 Allergic conjunctivitis  The concept "Allergy"   It was first used only in the early 20th century. According to the etymology of the word means "an action" that is, outside the person's immune system reacts to stimuli, quite harmless. Every year the number of inhabitants of our planet with various forms of allergy is increasing and allergic conjunctivitis   - Another proof.

As the disease typical allergic nature, allergic conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is caused by the presence of specific impacts on which most people do not react.

Modern medicine has sufficient funds in order to quickly neutralize the main manifestations of the disease in the form of severe itching and redness of the eyes. However, inflammation of the eye may occur in parallel with diseases such as dermatitis   or bronchial asthma . In some cases, the diagnosis is complicated by the weak manifestations of a particular disease, amid pronounced general symptoms. Therefore, consideration will continue to review symptoms.

The main symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis

First, note that depending on the frequency of symptoms, there are two types of the disease: perennial   and season . In the first case, signs of inflammation in one way or another are observed at all times, and in the second case, appear only in a specific time of year, most often in the spring. This fact was the emergence of error, that the main causes of allergic conjunctivitis is pollen and down trees. In fact, the list of allergens is much broader.

Regardless of the type of the disease, only three main symptoms: redness . severe itching   and excessive tearing . All the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis is very common and it can be present in the patient either together or separately. For young children, most evident sign of the third, that is, tearing, or as it is called, watery eyes.

Different patients the strength of symptoms and the time elapsed from the contact with the allergen until the first signs of the disease, is different. But usually this time is from several hours to several days.

The allergens that cause allergic conjunctivitis

We have already mentioned that the pollen and down trees is only a couple of irritants that cause the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. Full list is much broader, and it includes fungal spores And household chemicals And wool   or dandruff   animals.

Apart stands drug allergy . The above described features of the disease may occur after use of certain drugs, for example, eye drops, during use of contact lenses, cosmetics or perfumes.

Such a list of allergens just leads to the fact that the disease can not wear a seasonal and year-round character. Besides, it's kind of difficult diagnosis as to identify the specific allergen is sometimes quite difficult, and this is done using a variety of methods for the determination.

Diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis

Sometimes the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis leave no doubt as to the experts diagnosis and allergen. However, unfortunately, this situation is relatively rare, and often have to carry out allergy tests and a history analysis.

Three out of four patients anamnestic analysis gives an exact answer about the diagnosis and allergy caused by the appearance of the disease. In the remaining, the fourth case, it is necessary to carry out An elimination   and Exhibit   sample. They consist in the sequential elimination of the hypothetical allergen (elimination), and short-term renewal of its action as soon as symptoms subside (exposure).

If allergic conjunctivitis occurs not severe, it is possible to use skin tests. For all the simplicity and accessibility, this method has a high diagnostic accuracy. If the disease is in an acute phase, the most appropriate diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis - laboratory study. It is, in particular, about the blood test for immunoglobulin E   and other tests. They are suitable for any period of occurrence.

Prevention and treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

 Allergic conjunctivitis  Preventive measures with proper approach can significantly reduce the risk of disease. The most important and the general recommendation is to avoid contact with the allergen. Of course, you should know exactly what you do causes a reaction. If symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis occur year-round, you should not blame the pollen, and it is better to conduct a complete analysis to determine the allergens.

The rest of preventive measures aimed at relieving symptoms and prevent amplification of detected displays. So, it is recommended in any case not comb the eyelids, and even better not to touch the face. Prevention of allergic conjunctivitis is also in protecting the eyes. For this purpose, you can use sunglasses that can protect the mucosa, not only from bright light, but also from dust, pollen or other allergens.

With regard to the treatment of the disease, many patients are likely to greatly simplify the process, reducing it to combat symptoms, leading to disastrous consequences until the transition to the chronic form.

Also referred to symptomatic treatment, the correct treatment of allergic conjunctivitis and certainly held with the full elimination of potential allergens in the presence of active immunotherapy.

Separately dwell on immunotherapy and combating symptoms. As the immune therapy is traditionally carried out injection hystoglobulin . Immunotherapy   runs courses, each of which 6 to 10 injections.

Symptomatic treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is performed using antihistamines first and second generation. In most cases drops, which is prescribed in the case of sub-acute and chronic forms of the disease, and which have a positive effect in 10-15 minutes.

The main thing to remember is that the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in any case should not become a self. With no prior knowledge, you will not be able to prescribe adequate signs. In addition, there is no guarantee that you are properly diagnosed. Therefore, the definition of the disease and ways to combat it, it is better left to professionals.

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