Saturday, August 20, 2016

Twist? This weakness!

 Twist? This weakness!

Recently sciatica was a disease of older, they suffer even today, students

"It happens this way: stretched, bent - and body pierced sharp, cutting pain - says Michael Erёmushkin, Professor, Doctor. M. N., A leading researcher at the science-patient department of CITO them. Priorov . - And it can be felt all along the spine - sciatica often manifests itself not only in the lumbar but also in breast and cervical spine. Moreover, the pain often gives in the arms or legs. "

The main cause of sciatica, diseases of the peripheral nervous system and bone and joint structures of the spine - the lumbar or cervical osteochondrosis. It may appear due to injury, the inflammatory process in the body.

Modern people have a weak muscular system. And when the muscles are weak, any sudden movement causes muscle spasm, the result of which - sciatica. When twisting the back, grabs the most popular means: ointments, compresses.

Most likely, they will even help you, but only for a while. These funds are symptomatic, t. E. Inhibiting pain, but not to remove the cause of ailments.

Massage - a great tool, but as a supplement to the basic treatment or prevention. For acute pain also go to the traumatologist orthopedic or neurologist. Doctor will prescribe the survey. It may be ultrasound, X-ray, tomography (usual or computer), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used contrast discography - a study of intervertebral disc myelography, allows you to explore the spinal cord and nerve roots, elektrospondilografiyu (ESG) - computer diagnostics of the spine.

Depending on the cause of the disease, its stage, the doctor may prescribe drugs, including pain relievers. Used physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy. In some severe cases it can go on the surgery.

But no matter how hard the doctors if the person does not move more, physical activity, the muscles of the back will be the same weak and sciatica can always go back. It is important to not only relieve pain, but also to prevent recurrence. To do this, you need to constantly monitor the health of the spine, to comply with the doctor's recommendations and review lifestyle.


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