Monday, August 15, 2016

A child with alcohol syndrome can be born in any family

FAS - fetal alcohol syndrome. So called disorder that occurs when the mother used alcohol during pregnancy. It is a combination of mental and physical birth defects that occur shortly after birth and remain for life.

 A child with alcohol syndrome can be born in any family  Fetal alcohol syndrome

The most beautiful baby lying in your wheelchair, said to me one day in-law. My most beautiful child 11 years, and all these years I have to agree with her mother in law: mother's eyes look at the world from a certain angle. Maternal instinct, including immediately after the birth, so reconstructs the perception that "mimishnye Lialechka" from magazines, babies, advertising diapers, do not seem so sweet and charming. Because the most charming, so that there is the most beautiful baby in the world, only one - the one that is in your wheelchair.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, becoming a mother, I can not stop looking at the world through the eyes of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Leave to care for a child every mother, I - not the exception - is found with a lot of kids who ride in carriages, leading to the clinic, to the rocker or swing seated mold mud pies in the sandbox. Gliding through the eyes of children face, my brain automatically mutilated medobrazovaniem said: "FAS! And this FAS! ... It is likely, too, FAS! "

In 1973, two groups of scientists: K.L.Dzhones and colleagues (USA) and P.Lemoen et al have described the first time the FAS. The picture is quite diverse: pre- and postnatal degeneration, craniofacial dizmorfiya, brain damage. Children are born with LBW and inadequate length of the body, behind a raise in height and weight. Craniofacial dizmorfiya so common that "a person with alcoholic baby syndrome" you can easily learn in a sandbox and a group of kindergarten:
- Short palpebral fissure,
- Epicanthus,
- Ptosis,
- Strabismus
- Low bridge,
- A thin upper lip,
- Deep-seated ears,
- Microcephaly.

The three-year Maxim Kuzmin, adopted by spouses from Texas, had all the typical features of FAS. 01/21/13 baby died. US forensic experts determined that death occurred from the rupture of arteries as a result of the trauma of Maxim himself.

You can argue long, it was, and who is to blame. But it is known that the biological mother of Maxim was deprived of parental rights for antisocial behavior associated with alcoholism. A child was considered hyperactive and received sedatives.

Signs of damage to the nervous system in patients with FAS may occur immediately after birth:
- Tremor,
- Seizures
- Hypotonia.

In the future, say the development of so-called "hyperactivity and attention deficit", memory impairment, mental retardation.

From malformations common abnormal location of the fingers, hip dysplasia, hypospadias, malformations of the vagina, imperforate anus, heart, pathology of hearing and vision.

These children face serious difficulties in obtaining education. The offenses attract attention or addiction police. Deviation of sexual behavior, alcoholism, inability to live among humans. Unfortunately, the prognosis is poor. FAS - the disease is incurable. Even a mild form of FAS in the fetus leads to serious problems in the child.

- Yes, children from disadvantaged families - this is a problem. Children of alcoholics - this horror, the horror!

No. "The horror, the horror" in another. Children with FAS are born in the most common socio-affluent families.
There is no safe dose of alcohol!
Group risk for the general health of women is the use of 4 or more standard drinks per week. For pregnant women and women planning a pregnancy, the use of any amount of alcohol is risky.

1 dose - 340 g of 5% beer 141, 75 g of 11% of the wine or 42, 53 g of 40% vodka or brandy.

If a woman is pregnant or planning a pregnancy - complete abstinence from alcohol.

If a woman uses contraception regularly, or using ineffective methods of contraception - pregnancy is possible. Make a choice: reliable contraception and / or avoiding alcohol.

- How do you protect yourself?
- Nothing.
- Why?
- Well, if I get pregnant, I'm going to give birth.

It is wonderful. It's wonderful that a woman does not plan to have an abortion. The catastrophe is that she is not planning a healthy baby. Shall we never be able to reach out and explain that elementary folate intake, basic changes in lifestyle and nutrition, minimum training and complete abstinence from alcohol, smoking and drugs are absolutely necessary.

- Well, I already have a child. I did not do this, I drink occasionally, even during pregnancy, some beer or red wine. The baby is fine!

The birth of a healthy baby does not guarantee that subsequent children will also be born healthy.

Look at the children, falling on his back and feet hitting the supermarket. Look at children with difficulty assimilating program of the first year of secondary school. You do not dream about it, right?

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