Saturday, August 20, 2016

Our "cross" everywhere ripe

 Our "cross" everywhere ripe

Sudden pain - "cross" - usually appears at a certain motion of the body, most often - when bending forward at the same time turning aside

Our expert - doctor vertebrologist Anatoly Borisov .

Early summer. The holiday season is in full swing. We gardeners at this time not a single free moment. All the time they spend, hunched, on their plots: planting, watering, spud, weed, fertilize. Sometimes, after a long day on the beds, not so much sit back and relax, but also to straighten something once. And sometimes do it becomes impossible - so much comes back, that man and remains standing in the pose of the letter "G" until the pain let go.

"Tops" and the "roots" of the disease

In Latin «radicula» - is the root. Accordingly, sciatica - a disease caused by the defeat of the spinal nerves. The cause of the disease can be mechanical changes in the intervertebral discs and joints, ligaments, muscles, or nerve fibers, causing pinching of the nerve root. It is because of this and there is a lot of pain. Extension of the trunk from a bent position, combined with the rotation of the side - a very large load on the lower back, and if in the spine already have degenerative changes, such as, for example, low back pain (aging intervertebral disc) or the intervertebral hernia, the risk of sciatica increases. And since we know that the aging spine begins after 17-20 years, the chance encounter with sciatica there is even the young. However, most people suffer from sciatica 35 to 65 years.

By the way, although we call sciatica back pain, really sick with the illness can and elsewhere. Depending on the order in which the spine are affected roots, distinguished lumbosacral, chest, shoulder and neck and upper cervical sciatica. But all the same "cross" in the lower back - the most common.

If the acute low back pain appeared for the first time, it is necessary, first, to take the right treatment, and secondly, given what happened, then do everything in order to not become chronic sciatica. "Backache" is almost everyone, and if treated properly, it will pass unnoticed for several days. Only in severe cases need to be treated for 2-3 weeks. On the treatment of acute back pain will talk about later, but first - how to prevent repeated episodes of illness.

Ask the muscles to work!

One of the pillars of prevention is to strengthen the muscle corset back .  It is often the cause of "lumbago" are weak or muscle spasm .  Therefore, it is important to maintain a constant physical activity, regular strengthening the back and avoiding an excessive surge .  That is the tendency to radiculitis should not wield the country Stakhanovite methods of trying to perform a "five-year plan in three years" .  Better take your time and at your pleasure, to do as much as allow forces .  A daily 10-15 minute morning gymnastics certainly cause illness in time to retreat .  Just need to pick up a special set of exercises that enhance flexibility and strengthen muscles lumbar abdomen and buttocks, as well as helping to stretch the hamstring .  Push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups - that's the optimal triad, which will save a person from the treacherous "stab in the back" .  However, if the age and condition do not allow such exercises can be together with your doctor to choose an individual set of simpler .  Only need to perform exercises on a regular basis, not just once from .

Good prevention of sciatica - the systematic physical exercise, and those that are evenly develop all muscles of the body, such as swimming. By the way, this sport is suitable for almost all well and removes the burden from the spinal column. Amazing prevention of diseases of the back handle and yoga.

Less is better

The second important condition for strong spine - a caring attitude of its owner .  Therefore it is very important not to overextend your back .  Many believe that the reason for "lumbago" - weight lifting, but in fact it is not so .  The impetus for the emergence of chronic pain in the lumbar spine provides long incorrect posture in combination with age-related changes .  Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the posture: at home, sitting in front of the TV and at work .  Those who spend time in the office, you need to get a chair with a headrest and backrest anatomically shaped .  Drivers must buy a comfortable chair in the car, but still use the massage cushion seat - this will relieve the tension from muscles .  Sleep better on the side - this posture helps to relieve the spine .  The height of the pillow should fit the width of your shoulder .  And when working in the country can be used semi-rigid corset, which will save you from unpleasant consequences of involuntary sudden movements .

 Our "cross" everywhere ripe

Speaking of weight. They also need to lift correctly. Firstly, the weight of the load must be distributed evenly on both sides to the spine Skewing (not for nothing in Russia was made to carry water yoke, and not to carry a bucket in one hand). Second, it can not be tilted back, lifting weights. Correct slightly bend the knees and sat down, take a load.

Beware of hypothermia and prolonged standing. And beware of infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, rheumatism), which is also bad for the joints and spine. If possible, avoid stress, cultivate a positive attitude to life, and your body (including the lower back) will tell you thank you for it.

Bed rest and chill

Now about what to do if the "cross" still occurred. The first thing you need to take a horizontal position. The pain subside a little bit, if you lie on your side, slightly bent legs (this pose helps to relax the large muscles in the spine). You need to back wrap woolen scarf. Bed rest is necessary for a few days. Excessive use of painkillers is not necessary as they only relieve symptoms but do not cure. Therefore correct to take one of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs are able to cope even with very severe pain. However, note that many drugs in a series of NSAIDs are very bad influence on the gastric mucosa, so may be contraindicated to anyone who suffers from a stomach ulcer. Therefore, when choosing the best medication to consult with your doctor and do not exceed the recommended dose.

Topical agents (creams and gels), as a rule, do not have any significant activities. They will help only if the pain in the lower back emerged from the stretching of muscles or fatigue, but not because of sciatica. By the way, apply heat or take hot baths at "lumbago" categorically impossible: the heat will increase swelling and inflammation, and will only get worse. On the contrary, the local impact on the cold sore spot may help in this case.

It is better to remove the sharp pain as quickly as possible, because if the process drags on, the greater the risk that the disease will become chronic. And it will be more difficult to cure.


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