Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fighting Acne: what methods are effective

 Fighting Acne: what methods are effective  In pursuit of a clean skin, we use all means available, but many of them are not working. As a result, acne is becoming more self-confidence and everything falls below. How to get rid of acne?

In varying degrees of acne affects 80% of adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 25 years. This is usually due to hormonal changes in the body that increases the production of sebum. It clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands which leads to the appearance of acne: blackheads and pustular rash. There are myths that pimples appear also due to the supply or subcutaneous mite Demodex. However, science is not proven neither one nor the other, but noted that healthy food helps in the healing of acne. How to remove pimples?

"The scheme of treatment is chosen depending on the age - says the doctor-dermatologist A. Usmanov. - For example, 16-year-old usually lack a thorough external maintenance, 20-year-old should be checked hormonal status and examined by a gynecologist or endocrinologist, perhaps they will be assigned additional drugs for oral administration. "

Squeezing acne, "against"

Acne deliver any kind of a lot of inconvenience in communication, alarming and psycho-emotional discomfort, so the first thing I want to do - squeeze them, watching as they "shoot". However, this can not be done. The fact that the pressure-sensitive pimple leaves only the surface portion thereof. The rest goes deeper into the skin, provoking the emergence of new acne. In addition, the channel is breaking under the fingers of the sebaceous gland, because of this a secret even more difficult to go outside, he again clog pores and new acne.

Cleaning the face: "pros" and "cons"

For a long time cleaning person was considered almost a panacea for acne. Indeed, the removal of comedones is the prevention of new inflammation, so treatment on the background of cleansing is more effective. Recently, however, this technique has been criticized. For example, the Russian cosmetologist S. Kovalev believes that cleaning person or mechanical hardware, traumatize the skin. "It takes 2-3 weeks before you manage to eliminate the consequences of the procedure, as represented by the newly accumulated sebaceous plugs and cleaning must be repeated. All this leads to rapid aging of skin, "- says the doctor.

Exterior cosmetics and medicines: "for"

Modern cosmetic market offers a huge range of tools to eliminate and prevent acne. As the need for their use in other procedures evaporates. Moreover, no longer relevant surgical techniques, which are now resorted to only in extreme cases. The line means there are all sorts of lotions and masks. They dried sebum, kill bacteria and stimulate exfoliation of dead skin flakes.
  "Please note that for every skin type requires its own cosmetics - explains Professor N. Short. - An approach based preparations of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, others quick positive effect observed after application of lotions containing erythromycin ("Zener") and so on. "
  In addition, you need to check that the medication does not contain alkaline and had a mild effect on the skin, then it will not break the lipid balance of the skin and will not cause new inflammation.

Beauty treatments: "for" and "against"

Procedures acne treatment   very expensive and at the same time, some experts believe, unnecessary. For example, laser therapy is more suitable to eliminate the effects of acne - small scars far and wide, and phototherapy itself provokes the need for further rehabilitation of the skin, as in the treatment of acne deprive it of moisture and minerals.

Medication: "for"

Preparations for oral administration are appointed only in severe cases. Most often it is antibiotics, which suppress an overabundance of bacteria and reduce inflammation. However, it is important that young people who take them are under regular medical supervision, as most funds have side effects. If time does not warn them against the background of acne can make more trouble.


Thus, the most effective method acne treatment   today is the personal care, skin care and diet external preparations. Only in some situations, the doctor may prescribe additional treatments and procedures.

Beauty & Grooming

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