Monday, December 5, 2016

How to clean your face at home?

June 22, 2011

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 How to clean your face at home?  How often black dots on the face and spoil the mood, and even make plans. Moreover, they are characterized, unfortunately, not just teens. Of course, the best way - prevention: the daily hygiene with soap, cleaning lotion, cream properly chosen and the right diet, it is no wonder they say that what we - what we eat. This applies, in particular, skin .

Yet the trouble called "Comedones"   declares itself with admirable tenacity. Someone humbled with these nasty pimples, waving his hand in the constant struggle. And someone goes to the professionals - a beauty salon. However, you can not give up, because they overcome quite a force every woman. And by the way, even at home.

But is it possible to make such a procedure itself? It is no secret that even after the intervention of a professional cosmetologist, facial skin, sometimes suffering - are unsightly vmyatinki, scars ... Alas - it also happens. But only if you get to it in good faith or not unqualified. But you did do something to harm his beloved? Please read carefully rules face cleaning And then take the time to fulfill all the recommendations carefully. And here it is - a beauty salon at home! The easiest, of course, to take advantage of the hardware cleaning. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a machine. However, the manual mode is no worse.

 How to clean your face at home?  The first rule : No cleaning can not be, if the face - inflammatory pustules, pimples with so-called white heads, or if the skin itself is inflamed. This procedure is shown only for healthy skin. Previously should prepare a "springboard": Apply the usual facial scrub, wipe the skin lotion. This first phase should take no less than 3-4 minutes.

Next - vapor bath . You can, of course, just to sweat over the boiling water, but deliver, and his skin, and itself a few moments of pleasure and added value - add boiling water herbs . In this note: oily skin require "intervention" chamomile, dry and sensitive can treat or yarrow wormwood. Prepare to be that the second phase will take at least 10 minutes, so get to be comfortably.

Boiling water with herbs is better to pour into a deep bowl, which should be located at a convenient height for your head tilted; Take a fairly large towel - it will not only cover the head, but you must completely shut down with a cup, creating a sauna effect. And, of course, all this is very secure stable, you do not need to burn an accident? Do not forget: as soon as the act sweat - soak through its pure cotton or linen cloth, but do not rub! Leather and so underwent aggressive action, you can damage the top layer.

 How to clean your face at home?  And finally, the third stage - cleaning . It is worth recalling: hand prepared - washed with soap and water, wiped with alcohol. Ideally - wrap your fingers sterile bandage, soaked in 1 percent salicylic acid. At this moment, when all the pores opened, the skin vulnerable to infection, so it is important to observe all hygienic requirements.

Black dots are pressed simultaneously pressing both sides. Finally, do not forget the final touch - Finally wipe the face tonic or lotion To pull together the pores. If you prefer natural ingredients, simply dissolve in water lemon juice . However, please note - this means brightens the skin.

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