Saturday, December 17, 2016

Science has found that makes a person happy

Not money, not a professional success is not the level of recognition and not even the presence of a large number of friends and the ability to be thankful for what surrounds us - that's what makes the most happy person. This is the conclusion of American scientists University of Tennessee.

 Science has found that makes a person happy  Fortune

The debate about what It makes a person happy Lead among philosophers, scientists, psychologists, and ordinary people not the first century. Somebody says that only money can give people happiness, and someone He considers that the highest level of satisfaction in life brings a creative and professional self-realization, that is, to achieve all the goals that a person It sets itself in a career.

It is possible that all important Components of this happiness, but they are not it is the main cause, if I believe the study of American Scientists. They interviewed 80 students College that it brings them the most out of life and increases the level of happiness. It turned out that the ability to be thankful It makes a person happy .

"If People aims to be happy, it is better to invest in accumulation, not in things, and not in a career, and relationships with other people, - he says psychology professor Jeff Larson, author of the study. - But it takes specific job, you need to develop the ability to be thankful for everything that happens in our life itself and through other people. AND if we are able to thank this experience really, it's what makes us happy. For example, we can get much more pleasure from music and movies, if we are grateful to their creators. In addition, such approach leads many people to change their lives for the better and even quite drastically, to rush to translate their dreams. "(Read More)


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