Saturday, December 3, 2016


Description overdue on 12/18/2014

  • Latin name: Apap
  • ATC code: N02BE01
  • Active substance: Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
  • Manufacturer: Ltd. JUS Pharmacy, Poland
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use (way to and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Cautions
  • Analogs
  • During pregnancy (and lactation)
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



One tablet formulation contains 500 mg Apap paracetamol . starch, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, wax, povidone, polyethylene glycol, hydroxyethylcellulose .

Product form

The drug release in the form of white oblong tablet soluble shell, on the one hand the inscription "APAP". The tablets are packaged in contour package of 6 or 12 pieces, 6, 12 or 24 pieces in a carton box. Also agent sold in plastic jars of 50 tablets each.

Pharmacological action

The analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Paracetamol   belong to the group analgesics, antipyretics . The substance has a bland anti-inflammatory effect.

The mechanism of action is due to inhibition of the means of synthesis prostaglandin in the central nervous system. Apap - a powerful inhibitor enzyme cyclooxygenase arachidonic acid It increases the sensitivity to the effects of specific receptors Serotonin   and kinin , Thus, boosting pain threshold.

The brain hypothalamus   there is a center that is responsible for the body's thermoregulation. The active substance reduces the concentration of the drug prostaglandins   in the center - the body temperature is lowered.

Paracetamol   does not have the properties to lower prothrombin index   or in some way or to influence the process of blood clotting.

After penetration GI drug almost immediately and rapidly absorbed and enters the systemic circulation. Its maximum concentration is reached within an hour, and about half of the substance contact with plasma proteins.

Analgesic effect lasts no more than six hours, antipyretic - no more than eight. Metabolic reactions occurring in the liver derived metabolites via the kidneys. Particular attention should be paid to the metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine Which is active. It is believed that this metabolite and has a toxic effect on the liver.

Persons suffering from liver or kidney disease, taking paracetamol   not recommended.


The drug is prescribed for the relief of pain, reduction of body temperature Flu   or colds , and:

  • at headache ;
  • toothache ;
  • neuralgia   and muscle pain;
  • at dysmenorrhea .


The drug is contraindicated:

  • at allergies   at any of its components;
  • when expressed renal failure ;
  • alcoholics ;
  • in case of serious liver disease;
  • lactating women.

Side effects

During treatment with Apap may occur:

  • hypoglycemia ;
  • allergic reactions   (rash, hives . erythema . Lyell's syndrome . angioedema );
  • drowsiness   and confusion, impaired concentration, weakness, dizziness;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, increased liver enzymes . gepatonekroz ;
  • cyanosis . anemia Pain in the heart, hemolytic anemia . agranulocytosis . leukopenia . thrombocytopenia . aplastic anemia ;
  • renal colic . nephritis . papillary necrosis ;
  • palpitations, tachycardia , Increasing Blood Pressure .

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

For adults and children over 12 years is a maximum daily dosage of 8 tablets. Recommended dosage - 1 or 2 tablets every 4 or 6 hours.

For children from 6 years of age it is recommended to take no more than 500 mg of acetaminophen at a time.

Apap   It should not take longer than 10 days.


The main symptoms of overdose are nausea, stomach pain and vomiting. When very large doses may cause: thrombocytopenia , Kidney failure, liver failure, agranulocytosis , Severe intoxication.

If the overdose took less than an hour, it is advisable to wash out the stomach, producing symptomatic treatment, maintaining vital functions affected, follow the breath and content electrolytes   in blood.

It is recommended as soon as possible to administer intravenously 150 mg per kg patient body weight acetylcysteine   (5% glucose, for 15 minutes); 50 mg per kg weight - 4 chasa; 100 mg per kg weight - 16 hours. And then administered a maintenance dose orally every 4 hours. Consideration should be given blood counts and, if necessary hemodialysis .


Apap not be combined with antacids Because they can reduce the efficacy of the drug.

Anticonvulsants such as barbiturates . carbamazepine . phenytoin . isoniazid .   stimulating activity microsomal enzymes   liver, will enhance the toxic effect on the body.

The drug is not recommended to combine with alcohol, paroxetine . sertraline . citalopram . fluoxetine Orally GCS . antiplatelet . anticoagulants .

Activated carbon   and others enterosobrenty   reduce the effectiveness of funds.

Terms of sale

To acquire funds require a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep the medication in a cool place, in original packaging, away from children.

Shelf life

3 years.


Precautions should be a means for older people.

With prolonged use, you need to monitor the performance of the patient's blood and the level liver enzymes .


Match code ATC 4th level:
  •  Apap  Sedalgin Neo
  •  Apap  Rinzasip
  •  Apap  Kaffetin Light
  •  Apap  Kaffetin
  •  Apap  Rinikold
  •  Apap  Koldakt Flew Plus
  •  Apap  Rinzai
  •  Apap  Tsefekon
  •  Apap  Antigrippin
  •  Apap  Tylenol
  •  Apap  Coldrex
  •  Apap  Theraflu
  •  Apap  Flyukold
  •  Apap  Farmatsitron
  •  Apap  Solpadein
  •  Apap  Paracetamol
  •  Apap  Fervex
  •  Apap  Efferalgan
  •  Apap  Panadol

Antigrippin, Paracetamol, Aksagripp, Antiflu, Apap C Plus, Vokasept, Gripgo, Panadol, GrippFlyu, Rinzai, Solpadein, Flyukold, Yunispaz , Tsefekon, Rinikold.

During pregnancy and lactation

Apap has not embryotoxic . teratogenic   or mutagenic   influence on the organism. Paracetamol   is able to penetrate through placenta   such and recognisably separate with thoracal milk.

The medicine is prescribed when absolutely necessary, when the intended benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child.


Reviews of Apapa bit. Of those that are - they are all good. In mainly, the drug often prescribe from the migraine headaches , Dental pain, and for the relief of any other pain. Unlike cheaper analogues of the drug adverse reactions occur much less frequently.


Specify the actual cost of the drug Apap currently impossible.

Get the best price and buy

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