Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The eighth month of pregnancy

July 4, 2012

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 The eighth month of pregnancy  Gestation   is coming to a logical denouement: the eighth month - the time when the expectant mother is engaged in registration of maternity leave, and is actively preparing for motherhood. At this time, the baby is already fully occupies the space in the womb, so sometimes it pushes even deliver some pain and discomfort expectant mother. In addition, a woman may experience pain and in view of the preparation of the uterus to the generic process: so manifest Braxton Higgs .

8 month of pregnancy - a perfect time to relax. A woman should walk a lot, to protect yourself from stressful situations, receive positive emotions from reading books, communicating with the beautiful. It will take a little time, and so free, measured life will remain in the past and plunge into the world of female new pleasant hassle.

The development of the child on the eighth month of pregnancy

When the eighth month comes to an end pregnancy , The child is already weighs almost two kilograms, and its "growth" is approximately 40 cm. In this period, the baby begins to open his eyes and to distinguish light changes. After all, if a woman goes out into the bright sunlight, the uterus becomes much lighter and the child notices. This fact is confirmed by the fact that the fruit in bright light starts to blink. Pregnancy Week 29 which is already behind us, signs and other achievements of the developing child. Studies confirm that for 8 months of development the child feels pain, distinguishes between taste and smell.

During this period, the fetus may take the position that will remain before delivery . At this time, most children already are in the womb head down. However, up to 36 weeks of gestation in the womb is still plenty of room for the kid had taken a different position. Therefore, the expectant mother should not worry ahead of time, if the doctor told her the wrong position of the baby.

8 month of pregnancy - this is the period when the baby's heart is almost completely developed and takes the final shape. But even at such a late stage of development of the heart and cardiovascular system it has features that are characteristic of the fetus. The child at this stage of development in all the blood vessels circulating venous blood and blood saturated with oxygen. Only from mother to child by the umbilical vein passes clean arterial blood. In this regard, it is important that maternal blood was saturated with the most oxygen As well as other important substances for the baby. If not enough oxygen in the blood of female child may be at serious risk. Therefore, during pregnancy, the expectant mother must not only refrain from smoking itself, but not to be around people who smoke. In the presence of cardiovascular disease in women, which also affects the blood oxygen saturation, the woman must be constantly consulted with experts and receive adequate treatment.

Other organs of the child are formed at this time is not less active. The baby's liver is actively shaped segments, improving blood flow to the liver. Intensive works pancreas,   providing the child's body insulin .

At the same time, the baby's lungs end formed alveoli Which covers a special ingredient - Surfactant That is characteristic of mature functionally lungs. The respiratory center is also formed, and the child may already own breathing. Therefore, pregnancy, 8 months, which is already behind us, can result in the birth of a viable baby. But still much better if the baby will be born in time.

It grows and develops at the time and the baby's head: eight months, its value is already equal to 60% of the size of an adult. General view of the baby is also changing: it quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat layer, and the skin is smoothed. Now the child is much less wrinkles and the skin becomes red and rather pink. There is still vernix, but the primary bloom fades.

The appearance of a woman eight months pregnant

 The eighth month of pregnancy  Pregnancy 30 weeks where a woman has gradually increased belly at this stage can deliver more than noticeable discomfort. The uterus gradually rose to the ribs, and sometimes even the expectant mother may feel that it is difficult to breathe. It was at the end of the eighth month of the uterus is the most highly. Yet every woman, evaluating own appearance at this time, to be aware of the fact that pregnancy is always evolving with individual characteristics. Therefore, it makes no sense to compare the size and shape of their own bellies belly with other pregnant women in the same period. Even the size of the baby does not affect what would be the stomach.

During this period, actively increasing the weight of the pregnant woman, and it becomes more slow and clumsy. In an average week grows 500 grams of weight. But if these figures are much higher, you should consult your doctor as it is fraught with the presence of Hidden edema . Perhaps he will recommend to spend a few days of discharge. Yet if the weight gain at this time is approximately ten kilograms, then, as a rule, a woman quickly comes to its former shape after childbirth.

In the last months of pregnancy a woman's appearance can comprehend another change related to the particular hormonal. It's too intense growth of hair on the skin. The fact is that during the childbearing hair loss in women is significantly reduced, but the new hairs continue to grow. However, after the birth of a baby situation has changed dramatically, and the amount of hair on the skin returns to normal.

Health of the woman in the eighth month of pregnancy

 The eighth month of pregnancy  At 8 months pregnant woman is gradually overcome by nervousness. It may suffer from extreme fatigue, do not sleep at night.

At that time, many expectant mothers are diagnosed as unpleasant phenomenon as preeclampsia . This disease is characterized by increased Blood Pressure   and the occurrence of edema. In this case, it is important to regularly take urine samples, as the appearance of protein in it, you can talk about the development of preeclampsia. In such a case urgent treatment in a hospital. However, if the pregnancy is 31 weeks at the end, is going well, it is likely, preeclampsia does not occur. Preeclampsia most often develops in women who have a history of a certain pathology of pregnancy.

At this stage, a woman carrying a baby can also overcome the constant attacks Heartburn And very frequent urination. At night, it is sometimes necessary to get up several times. The fact that the uterus during this time greatly increased, so its pressure affects other organs.

Besides these troubles at this time a woman may suffer from frequent manifestations constipation . nausea . continuous gassing . difficulty breathing . Due to the fact that diaphragm presses the uterus, the woman becomes progressively harder to breathe. Before birth the uterus drops and breathing becomes easier. And on the eighth month of pregnancy, doctors advise women to try as much as possible to keep your back straighter, which will breathe more deeply. But if a woman says not only heavy breathing, and pain in the chest, accelerated pulse and blue lips and fingertips, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, often manifests itself Varicose veins of the legs And rectum. There may be swelling of the legs, which appear more pronounced in the evening. A person may also swell.

What worries a woman eight months pregnant

During this period, women continue to celebrate a number of sensations that bothered her before, in the earlier stages of pregnancy. However, these phenomena are gradually added, and other sensations. Thus, pregnancy, 32 weeks is coming to an end, there is a very strong and constant activity of the child. Vaginal discharge continue to emerge, but at this time their number may increase. At this stage of pregnancy, women are often concerned about the recurrent nosebleeds, blood appears and gums during of cleaning teeth.

Especially future mother at this time concerned about pain in the back, as her posture varies greatly due to the increased abdomen. These feelings can add and appearing periodically itchy belly. This is not surprising, as the skin stretched considerably.

Because breast expectant mother periodically released colostrum Thus there is preparation for the upcoming stage breast-feeding   baby.

In addition to the above-described physiological characteristics of the pregnant woman and overcome psychological difficulties. By the end of the eighth month in most expectant mothers get the feeling much boring pregnancy and the desire to see the child as soon as possible. This adds a sense of confusion, fatigue, feeling of weakness. At this time, a woman obsessed with a variety of fears associated with future delivery, child health, their own future status of the mother. In addition, women are often worried and even irritates her current appearance. To allay fears, it should communicate with women having a positive birth experience, as well as to get as much positive emotions.

Incorrect position of the child

 The eighth month of pregnancy  If in recent weeks eighth month of pregnancy the doctor told the woman about breech position of the fetus , It should try to intensify the process of turning the child. Optimal management of labor provides cephalic. Therefore, in the last eight weeks of pregnancy a woman can do special exercises to stimulate the baby's rotation.

Sometimes practiced outer turn the baby's head, the doctor who performed the first stage of labor. By controlling the fetal ultrasonography, a specialist turns the child, putting his hands to his stomach woman. But such a procedure doctors sometimes are afraid to perform because of the possibility of manifestation of some complications.

If the baby is in a breech position longitudinally, perhaps his birth naturally. However, the physician should carefully maintain delivery, controlling the process by means of electronic devices and making decisions about the use of epidural anesthesia , The use of forceps, cuts of the perineum. In addition, if a generic process with malpresentation child physicians must be ready at any moment to resort to caesarean section . The position of the child before birth by probing the doctor will determine the woman's abdomen.

Sex on the eighth month of pregnancy

If pregnancy is not complicated by certain medical conditions or other factors, the doctors do not prohibit a woman sexual relations until delivery. However, if a doctor warns a woman of a certain risk of miscarriage, that sex should not be practiced. Especially risky sex to women who nurture multiple pregnancy, as well as those who at the time already had a preterm birth. Also, sexual relationships in the last months of pregnancy is forbidden to women who have Proposition placenta, unexplained bleeding, premature separation of placenta, fetal membranes cracking.

However, in the last months of pregnancy a woman should think about the fact that with the advent of a small child in the family of her husband should not be deprived of attention and care. Consequently, even at this time it is important to find a close psychological contact with her husband and together try to prepare for the upcoming changes.

Recommendations woman in the eighth month of pregnancy

 The eighth month of pregnancy  Doctors recommend at this time to sleep on his side. It is important to avoid poses on her back, as in such a situation occurs compression of the inferior vena cava. As a result, the heartbeat becomes more intense dizzy. To ensure the most comfortable position during sleep, you can use some small pillows, placing them at the back and abdomen.

Sometimes, in the last months of pregnancy a woman can manifest urinary incontinence   due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. This can happen when a woman laughing, sneezing, coughing. To this phenomenon disappeared after the baby is born, you should regularly Kegel exercises That strengthen the pelvic muscle tone.

Doctors do not recommend at this time of a woman to travel far from home. Such an adventure because of the presence of a certain burden on a woman's body during the transfers and threaten the health of women and of the fetus. In addition, during the development process of premature birth doctor will be very far away.

If a woman feels good, even in this period of pregnancy it can drive a short distance, wearing his seat belt. However, long travel should be avoided so long as the seat in one and the same position is extremely undesirable.

In the eighth month of pregnancy under normal health conditions a woman can continue to take a bath, because of the entry of microorganisms protect the fruit shell, plug of mucus, which is located in the cervix and the amniotic fluid. But every expectant mother should think about the fact that her movement is now extremely awkward, so taking a shower and bath to be very careful not to slip. To avoid this, you can put in a bath or shower cubicle rubber mat. And coming out of the bath, you can ask for help a loved one.

It is time to significantly reduce the intensity of exercise. Yet easy, not straining exercises a woman can perform every day. It is important to pay attention to breathing exercises, which greatly facilitate the condition of the woman in labor.

To avoid swelling, should renounce the use of large amounts of salt. Eating desirable small, frequent meals.

The eighth month of pregnancy - a time when a woman has to collect all the things that will be useful to her in the hospital. Let everything be done, because generations will begin very soon.

Research on the eighth month of pregnancy

In the last months of pregnancy, a woman often visited a gynecologist. Traditionally, each visit being identified weight and blood pressure parameters, laboratory analysis of urine. The doctor is required to measure the height of the uterine fundus, will hear the fetal heartbeat. In the eighth month, it is also important to find out the position of the fetus and its size. In addition, the woman have to show the doctor a limb, that it has determined whether it is susceptible to swelling and manifestations of varicose veins.

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