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Diseases of the carotid arteries

June 8, 2012

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 Diseases of the carotid arteries  The carotid arteries   - The arteries, along which the blood supply of the head and neck. As they passed the blood flow to the brain of man. The carotid arteries are moving away from the chest aortic And then pass through the neck into the skull and reach the brain.

Carotid atherosclerosis

Usually, carotid atherosclerosis   It has been going after the disease affects the arteries of other basins. Stenosis of the carotid artery That is, its blockage occurs as a consequence of visiting artery atherosclerotic plaque. The result of this pathology becomes the reduction and deterioration of blood flow in the artery. The result of this phenomenon can be thrombosis   artery and stroke   brain. The older a person is, the higher is the risk of injury in his carotid atherosclerosis. For example, in a group of people over eighty years of carotid stenosis is shown at 10% of the people.

In a normal artery wall must be smooth. However, with the progression of atherosclerosis due to the appearance of plaques in carotid arteries walls of the lumen is substantially reduced. These plaques are formed from sediments cholesterol , Connective tissue fibers, a number of lipid fractions. The greater increase plaques and their number increases, the more pronounced becomes the restriction lumen. As the progression of atherosclerosis occurs more severely impaired blood supply to the brain. As a result, a person diagnosed with carotid atherosclerosis - a disease that is a very serious and dangerous. After all, its development is fraught with serious circulatory disorders of the brain and stroke.

Sometimes vessels formed soft plaques, which later breaks and cracks occur. The rough surface of the plaque is perceived by the human body as a defeat, and as a result of inflammation appears clot . If the carotid artery arises large thrombus, the blood supply to the brain can be broken very seriously, and sometimes stop completely. As a result, a person has a stroke. Sometimes there is another development of the disease: plaques and thrombus is divided into fragments, and migrate through the bloodstream. During the movement of these particles is a blockage of small arteries, which is similar to a stroke.

Symptoms of carotid atherosclerosis

 Diseases of the carotid arteries  Because the carotid atherosclerosis at early stages of development in displays generally do not provoke noticeable symptoms in the majority of cases, the first sign of atherosclerotic carotid arteries becomes stroke. Yet with careful regard to the state of the body's own people may notice some signs that precede the development of stroke. They are called transient ischemic attacks . The symptoms characteristic of this condition usually can not go more than an hour. When these attacks the patient feels very weak, state of torpor. In one half of the body, he may feel itching, tingling. Often these symptoms occur in the leg or arm. At the time of such an attack the person can lose control of the course, sometimes lost sight in one eye, speech becomes slurred. Typically, the symptoms of transient ischemic attack completely disappear in a day. But the manifestation of the "signal" can not be ignored in any case, as it is - a sign that soon a man had a stroke. It is therefore essential immediately to consult a specialist and undergo a complete examination.

Atherosclerosis of carotid artery atherosclerosis develops similarly to other arteries. Less commonly, in some cases, the cause of this condition is carotid artery aneurysm . It increases the likelihood of developing carotid atherosclerosis in patients diabetes .

Aneurysm of the carotid arteries

Cerebral aneurysms   - A life-threatening state, which often causes bleeding inside the skull with a fatal outcome. Aneurysm of the carotid artery and - a diffuse or limited expansion of the lumen of the artery or the presence of arterial wall protrusion. The wall of the aneurysm is composed of connective scar tissue having different thicknesses. And it sometimes cavities are blood clots that have different prescription origin. The carotid artery aneurysms occur most often. Aneurysms are both multiple And single .

Reasons for their formation is not fully installed. In some cases, the appearance of this pathology provoke infected emboli that reach the brain. Several other types of aneurysms occur due to changes taking place under the influence of atherosclerosis. Also cause the appearance of aneurysms is congenital inferiority of cerebral arteries . hypertension . injury .

Arterial aneurysms occur in apoplectic   and tumor form. More often diagnosed apoplectic form, in which bleeding occurs suddenly, without prior symptoms. This form is characterized by sudden development of subarachnoid hemorrhage. In rare cases, a person worried about bleeding to soreness in the orbitofrontal manifest paresis   cranial nerves.

 Diseases of the carotid arteries  The main symptom of aneurysm rupture always becomes sharp headache Which manifests itself suddenly. Initially, it occurs in a specific place, and later becomes diffuse. During the progression of pain the patient is shown vomiting, nausea, it may permanently lose consciousness. You may experience mental health disorders. If bleeding occurs in the ventricles of the brain, the disease is extremely difficult and ends with death.

Aneurysms of the internal carotid artery can be divided into several groups depending on their location: aneurysms in the cavernous sinus . aneurysm near the carotid bifurcation . supraclinoid aneurysm of the artery .

At rupture of the aneurysm is important to observe strict bed rest for six to eight weeks. Today the radical method of treatment of the aneurysm is to conduct surgical operations for the purpose of clipping the neck of the aneurysm. There are new methods of surgical treatment of aneurysms, successfully applied in practice.

Diagnosis of diseases of the carotid arteries

To diagnose the disease of the carotid arteries, the doctor must perform a detailed survey of the patient with the purpose to learn about all show symptoms, the disease history and characteristics of the patient's health. The most important information in this case is considered to be information about smoking the patient and the nature of his blood pressure. After that, the doctor examines the patient. Compulsory performed auscultation of the carotid arteries to detect the eddy current. It indicates the presence of constrictions. When the diagnosis must be conducted measurement Blood Pressure .

Informative method of diagnosis of the disease in the carotid arteries is considered a Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries. Ultrasound allows us to give an adequate assessment of the structure of the vessel and the blood flow in it. As a rule, such a study accurately determine the presence of disease of the carotid arteries. In more rare cases to establish a precise diagnosis doctor for additional information, which can be obtained during the CT scan, CT angiography.

 Diseases of the carotid arteries  The method is based on using angiography contrast agent and X-ray applications. This technique allows you to get a result is especially accurate portrayal of the arteries, and to consider the changes that have occurred in them. However, this study is fraught with the risk of injury by the presence of atherosclerotic plaque and hence, expression of a transient ischemic attack or stroke. Therefore, this study was rare.

Treatment of carotid artery disease

Treatment carotid artery depends on how pronounced carotid stenosis, severity of what degree of atherosclerosis. Also, the doctor is required to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease and the patient's general condition. If during the diagnosis in humans were identified atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries, the patient is very important to immediately change the way of life guided by your doctor, and be sure to get treatment medical drugs.

Diabetics should always be made aware of this your doctor. People suffering from hypertension should take drugs to normalize blood pressure. Be sure to stop smoking, to comply diet By eating foods low in cholesterol. Sometimes it would be appropriate treatment statins   - Drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels.

In case of severe carotid atherosclerosis lesions advisable to conduct surgery. During such operation is removed atheroma, the lumen and the vessel is restored. The attending physician decides which method to choose surgical treatment in each case. Today actively used two surgical techniques for the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries. This method of endarterectomy and stenting and balloon angioplasty.

Carrying endarterectomy happens with local or general anesthesia. The incision to remove plaque is relatively small.

If there is a long lesions of carotid artery atherosclerosis, the prosthesis may conduct internal carotid artery. Thus, the blood flow is triggered by a prosthesis - an artificial vessel.

In the presence of pathological tortuosity of the carotid artery is performed rectification and removal of its change parts.

Angioplasty and stenting requires only local anesthesia . The groin puncture is made through the femoral artery in which the catheter is introduced to the place where the carotid artery has been damaged. According to him and deliver the necessary equipment to perform angioplasty and stenting. In some cases, the procedure for fixing the lumen of stent implantation is carried out. Method of treatment is also selected, and depending on where it is localized narrowing of the lumen of the carotid artery.

Patients who are diagnosed with carotid artery atherosclerosis, but prietom the operation the doctor considers inappropriate, you must very strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the expert. Conservative treatment of atherosclerosis involves a complete cessation of smoking, providing daily physical activities, medication prescribed medication, regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol. In the treatment of patients most commonly prescribed aspirin   and statins.

 Diseases of the carotid arteries  If the disease of the carotid arteries is not treated promptly, the carotid stenosis will continue to grow, the patient will suffer from brain symptoms manifested constant dizziness   and headaches. A consequence of acute stroke can be fatal.

Prevention of disease of the carotid arteries

Prevention of diseases of the carotid arteries can not only prevent the manifestation of atherosclerosis, but also to slow down its progress in the case of the onset of illness. The main prevention measures should be noted mandatory and complete cessation of smoking, the ability to perform daily exercises, observe the correct diet. Man must closely monitor their own weight as people with obesity   are at risk of developing atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries.

It is very important compliance and prevention for people with atherosclerosis who have undergone surgery. After surgery it is important to continue therapy with primary disease, as well as take all measures to ensure that the disease has progressed. Therefore, the above recommendations are not less relevant in this case. However, all preventive measures to people who have had surgery, should be taken very carefully. So, refusing to smoke, you need to protect yourself and from passive smoke inhalation, which applies no less serious harm to the body. Precautions should be taken to lose weight, even if such a bit. It is proved that, losing about five kilograms of excess weight, a person provides a significant reduction in blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Consequently, these changes allow a result significantly reduce the dose of the medication.

People suffering from carotid atherosclerosis, doctors are advised to pay special attention to food. It is important to eat not less than four times a day, with a late dinner is not welcome. In the intervals between meals should not be snacking harmful products: it is best to restrict fresh fruits and vegetables. It is very useful once a week to arrange fasting two days, eating for that day only one kind of products - yogurt, apples, watermelon, etc. The diet should contain a minimum amount of fatty foods, and easily digestible carbohydrates. The consequence of the correct approach to nutrition will also decrease cholesterol intake and, consequently, removing it from the body.

In the postoperative period, the patient is shown taking drugs that make blood thinner. In this case, it is often prescribed low doses of aspirin. This preventive measure will help prevent blood clots.

In no case should not be allowed hypodynamia : Sporting help keep control of blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. However, performing any exercise should be treated with caution, stopping at the first training boards chest pain, shortness of breath And other unpleasant sensations.

Treatment of hypertension - one important measure of prevention, directly affects the state of the carotid arteries.

In order to avoid repeated surgical intervention should be regularly assigned physician study and track all changes in the operated vessels. Early detection of problems will greatly facilitate their treatment.

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