Description overdue on 09/26/2014
- Latin name: Augmentin
- ATC code: J01CR02
- Active substance: Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin) + Clavulanic acid (Clavulanic acid)
- Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline plc, UK
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Babies
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- Augmentin for children
- With alcohol
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One tablet p / oral contained 0, 25, 0, 5, 0, 875 g amoxicillin trihydrate and 0 125 g clavulanic acid (for manufacture of a medicament sodium clavulanate is laid with 5% excess).
Included in the tablets auxiliaries : Silicii dioxydum colloidale, Magnesium stearate, Carboxymethylamylum natricum, Cellulosum microcrystallicum.
One vial powder for solution for injection of 0, 5 or 1 g amoxicillin trihydrate and accordingly, 0, 1, or 0, 2 g clavulanic acid .
Part Augmentin powder for suspension for oral administration include 0, 125/0, 2/0, 4 g (5 ml) amoxycillin trihydrate and 0 respectively, 03125/0, 0285 / 0.057 g (5 ml) clavulanic acid .
Supporting components : Xanthan gum, Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Silicii dioxydum colloidale, Acidum succinicum, Silicii dioxydum, Aspartamum (E951), dry flavors - orange (610271E and 9/027108), raspberry, and "Light syrup".
AT powder Augmentin EU intended for preparing 100 ml of a suspension Contained 0, 6 g (5 ml) amoxycillin trihydrate and 0 0429 g (5 ml) clavulanic acid .
Supporting components : Silicii dioxydum colloidale, Carboxymethylamylum natricum), Aspartamum (E951), Hanthan gum, Silicii dioxydum, strawberry flavoring 544,428.
The composition of one Augmentin SR tablets sustained release include 1 g amoxycillin trihydrate and 0 0625 g clavulanic acid .
Supporting components : Cellulosum microcrystallicum, Carboxymethylamylum natricum, Silicii dioxydum colloidale, Magnesium stearate, Xanthan gum, Acidum citrinosum, Hypromellosum 6cps, Hypromellosum 15cps, Titanium dioxide (E171), Macrogolum 3350, Macrogolum 8000.
Product form
The product has the following forms of production:
- Tablets Augmentin 250 mg plus 125 mg Augmentin 500 mg + 125 mg and Augmentin 875 mg +125.
- Powder 500/100 mg and 1000/200 mg, intended for solution for injection.
- Powder for Augmentin suspension 400 mg / 57 mg 200 mg / 28 mg 5 125 mg / 31 mg 25.
- Powder EU Augmentin 600 mg / 42 mg 9 (5 ml) to prepare a slurry.
- Covered n / a sustained-release tablet Augmentin SR 1000 mg / 62 mg 5.
Pharmacological action
Augmentin belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of "Antimicrobial medications for regular use. β-lactams. Penicillin ".
The pharmacological action of the drug - Antibacterial and bactericidal .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
According to Wikipedia, Amoxicillin - is germicide , Effective against a broad spectrum of pathogenic and potentially pathogenic Microorganisms and represents semisynthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group .
Suppressing transpeptidase and disrupting the processes of development murein (an essential component of the bacterial cell wall) during growth and division, thus it provokes lysis (destruction) bacteria .
Amoxicillin is destroyed β-lactamases Therefore its antibacterial activity does not apply to organisms Producing β-lactamase .
Acting as a competitive and in most cases, an irreversible inhibitor Clavulanic acid characterized by the ability to penetrate the cell walls bacteria and cause inactivation enzymes , Which are both within the cell and on its border.
Clavulanate inactivated form stable complexes with β-lactamases And this in turn prevents the destruction Amoxicillin .
Antibiotic Augmentin effective against:
- Gram (+) aerobes: pyogenic streptococci Groups A and B, pneumococci . gold and Staphylococcus epidermidis (Except for strains resistant to methicillin), saprophytic staphylococcus and etc.
- Gram (-) aerobes: Sticks Pfeiffer . Pertussis coli . Gardnerella vaginalis . Vibrio cholerae etc.
- Gram (+) and Gram (-) anaerobes: Bacteroides . fuzobakterii . prevotelly etc.
- Other micro-organisms: Chlamydia . spirochetes . Treponema pallidum etc.
After oral administration Augmentin, both in its composition the active ingredient rapidly and completely absorbed from the digestive tract. Absorption is optimal when the tablets or syrup to drink during meals (in the beginning of the meal).
As ingestion and Augmentin solution when administered in / in therapeutic concentrations of active ingredients of the drug are found in all tissues and interstitial fluid.
Both active ingredient weakly bind Blood plasma proteins (binds to plasma proteins and 25% amoxycillin trihydrate and not more than 18% clavulanic acid ). Cumulation of Augmentin in any of the internal organs was found.
Amoxicillin undergoes active metabolization in the body and excreted kidney , Through the digestive tract and in the form of carbon dioxide along with exhaled air. From 10 to 25% of the administered dose Amoxicillin excreted kidney as penitsilloevoy acid , Which is its inactive metabolite .
Clavulanate excreted by the kidneys, and through extrarenal mechanisms.
Indications for use of a combination amoxycillin trihydrate and clavulanic acid are infection Provoked sensitive to the action of these substances microorganisms .
Augmentin treatment is also permitted Infections It is arising from the activity Microorganisms Sensitive to the action of Amoxicillin And mixed Infections Provoked sensitive amoxicillin bacteria and bacteria that produce β-lactamase and characterized by a sensitivity to the active ingredient combination drug.
On the Internet, frequent questions "From what Augmentin tablets? "Or" From what heals Augmentin syrup? ".
Scope of the drug is quite extensive. He was appointed at the following infectious and inflammatory diseases :
- at infections Affecting upper and lower respiratory tract (including including ENT infections );
- at infections Affecting genitourinary tract ;
- at odontogenous (damaging the oral cavity) infections ;
- at gynecological infections ;
- at gonorrhea ;
- at infections Affecting skin and soft tissue ;
- at infections Affecting bone (including administration to a patient in need long-term therapy);
- ceteris infections mixed type (for example, after septic abortion At sepsis in the postpartum period, when septicemia (sepsis without metastases) peritonitis ; at sepsis Caused by Intra-abdominal infections ; at infections Developing after surgery ).
Augmentin is often used as a preventive measure prior to major surgical operations head, neck, stomach, kidney, biliary tract, on the organs located in the pelvis And during the procedure implantation viscera .
Augmentin all dosage forms is contraindicated in:
- patients with a hypersensitivity to one or both of the active drug component, to any of its constituent excipients, as well as β-lactams (ie the Antibiotic groups Penicillin and cephalosporin );
- patients whose therapy was preceded by episodes of Augmentin jaundice or have a history of functional disorders liver as a result of the combination of active substances of the drug.
A further contraindication to powder for oral suspension with a dosage of active substances 125 + 31 25 mg is PKU ( phenylketonuria ).
The powder was used to prepare an oral suspension with a dosage of active substance (200 + 28, 5), and (400 + 57) mg contraindicated:
- at PKU ;
- patients with impaired kidney In which the indices sample Rehberg less than 30 ml per minute;
- children under the age of three months.
An additional contraindication to the use of tablets with a dosage of the active substances (250+ 125) and (500 + 125) mg of age is younger than 12 years old and / or weighing less than 40-kg.
The tablets with a dosage of active substances 875 mg +125 contraindicated:
- in violation of the functional activity kidney (indicators sample Rehberg less than 30 ml per minute);
- children under 12 years of age;
- patients whose weight is below 40 kg.
Side effects
Augmentin Side effects can occur from a variety of systems and individual organs. The most frequently during treatment with the drug may experience the following reactions:
- candidiasis (thrush) skin and mucous membranes;
- diarrhea (very often - at reception Augmentin tablets often - at reception of a suspension or preparation administered in injectable form);
- nausea and vomiting (nausea often occurs when taking the drug in high doses).
It rarely occurring side effects include:
- dizziness ;
- headache ;
- dysfunction digestion ;
- moderately pronounced increase in liver enzymes alanintransaminazy (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) ;
- skin rash . itching , Manifestations hives .
In rare cases, the body can react to receiving Augmentin:
- development of reversible leukopenia (including but not limited agranulocytosis );
thrombocytopenia ; - development thrombophlebitis at the injection solution for injection;
- erythema multiforme .
Very rarely can develop:
- hemolytic anemia ;
- conditions characterized by an increase in the duration of bleeding and higher prothrombin index ;
- reaction from immune system Which are expressed in the form angionevroticheksogo edema ; syndrome, manifested in the same serum sickness ; anaphylaxis . allergic vasculitis ;
- hyperactivity reversible type;
- increase seizure activity ;
- colitis Due to reception antibiotics Including including pseudomembranous (PLA) and hemorrhagic (the probability of the latter is reduced if administered parenterally Augmentin);
- actinic and proliferation located in the language of the filiform papillae (a disease known as "black" hairy "tongue");
- hepatitis and intrahepatic cholestasis ;
- Lyell's syndrome ;
- generalized exanthematous pustullez acute form;
- interstitial nephritis ;
- appearance in the urine salt crystals ( crystalluria ).
In the event of any dermatitis allergic nature Augmentin treatment should be discontinued.
Instructions for use Augmentin: method of application, the dosage to adults and children
One of the most frequently occurring patient questions are questions about how to accept - before or after a meal - a particular drug. In the case of the drug augmentin closely related to food intake. The best is to take the medicine directly before eating .
Firstly, it provides a better absorption of active substances of GI And, secondly, can significantly reduce the severity dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract If the latter occurs.
How to calculate the dose of Augmentin
How to make adults and children the drug Augmentin, as well as its therapeutic dose is determined depending on whether microorganism is the causative agent, as it is sensitive to antibiotic , Severity and characteristics of the disease, localization of an infectious focus The age and weight of the patient, as well as how it healthy kidneys patient.
The duration of therapy depends on how the patient responds to the treatment.
Augmentin tablets: instructions for use
Depending on the content of active substances Augmentin pills adult patients are advised to take the following scheme:
- Augmentin 375 mg (250 mg + 125 mg) - one to three times during the day. In this dose the drug is indicated for infections Which occur in the light or moderately severe. In severe occurring diseases, including chronic and recurrent, are assigned a higher dose.
- 625 mg Tablets (500 mg + 125 mg) - one to three times during the day.
- Tablets of 1000 mg (875 mg + 125 mg) - one to two times during a day.
Dose correction is subject to patients with impaired functional activity kidney .
Tablets with sustained release Augmentin SR 1000 mg / 62 mg 5 are allowed only for patients older than 16 years. The optimal dose - two tablets twice daily.
If the patient can not swallow the tablet whole, it is divided in half by a fault line. Both halves are taking at the same time.
Patients with sick kidney drug administered only in those cases where the component sample Rehberg than 30 ml per minute (i.e., when not required to make adjustments to the dosing regimen).
Powder for solution for injection: instructions for use
According to the instructions, the solution was injected into a vein: the jet (the entire dose must enter for 3-4 minutes) or drip (infusion duration - from an hour to 40 minutes). The solution is not intended for administration into the muscle.
The standard dose for an adult patient - 1000 mg / 200 mg. Introduces her recommended every eight hours, while proceeding with complications infections - Every six or even four hours (readings).
Antibiotic in the form of a solution of 500 mg / 100 mg, or 1000 mg / 200 mg is prescribed for the prevention of infection after surgery . In cases where the operation time of less than one hour is sufficient to enter a patient before razovo anesthesia Augmentin dose of 1000 mg / 200 mg.
If it is assumed that the operation will take more than an hour, prior to her daily for 24 hours before the patient is administered four doses of 1000 mg / 200 mg.
Augmentin suspension: instructions for use
Application Instruction Augmentin recommended for children assignment suspension 125 mg / 31 mg 25 dose of from 2, 5 to 20 ml. Multiplicity of reception - 3 during the day. The volume of a single dose depend on the age and weight of the child.
If a child over the age of two months, the suspension 200 mg / 28 5 mg administered in a dose of from 25/3 6 45/6 mg to 4 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This dosage should be divided into two steps.
The suspension with a dosage of active substances 400 mg / 57 mg (Augmentin 2) is shown to the destination from the year. Depending on the child's age and weight of the single dose varies from 5 to 10 ml. Multiplicity of reception - 2 during the day.
Augmentin EU appointed from a 3-month old. The optimal dose - 90/6, 4 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day (the dose should be divided into 2 doses, maintaining between 12 tichasovy interval).
To date, the preparation in different dosage forms is one of the most frequently prescribed for the treatment of sore throat .
Children under Augmentin sore throat administered at a dose which is determined based on the body weight and age of the child. If sore throat in adults are recommended for Augmentin 875 +125 mg three times during the day.
It is also often resorted to the appointment of Augmentin and sinusitis . Treatment complemented by washing the nose with sea salt and the use of nasal sprays such as Rinofluimutsil . The optimal dosage for sinusitis : 875/125 mg 2 times a day. Course duration is usually 7 days.
Excess doses of Augmentin is accompanied by:
- development of violations by digestive ;
- violation of water-salt balance;
- crystalluria ;
- renal failure ;
- precipitation (precipitation) of amoxicillin in the urinary catheter.
When a patient shows symptoms similar symptomatic therapy, which implies including correction of violations of water-salt balance. Excretion of Augmentin to rovenosnoy system also contributes to the procedure Hemodialysis .
Co-administration of the drug to the probenecid :
- reduces tubular secretion of amoxicillin ;
- provoking an increased concentration of Amoxicillin at plasma (effect persists for a long time);
- It has no influence on the properties and level of content plasma clavulanic acid .
The combination Amoxicillin from allopurinol It increases the likelihood of developing symptoms allergies . Data on cooperation allopurinol simultaneously with the two active components Augmentana absent.
Augmentin influences contained in tract microflora That provokes a decrease in the reabsorption (reuptake) estrogen , As well as reducing the effectiveness of the combined contraceptive for oral use .
The drug is not compatible with blood and protein-containing liquids, including inter alia whey protein hydrolyzates and fat emulsions to be administered into a vein.
If Augmentin is prescribed concurrently with antibiotics class aminoglycosides , Preparations before administration is not mixed in the same syringe or any other containers, as it leads to inactivation aminoglycosides .
Terms of sale
Storage conditions
Originally packaged preparation was stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The suspension should be kept at temperature 2-8 ° C (optimum - in the refrigerator) is not more than 7 days.
Shelf life
Usable for 2 years from date of manufacture.
Analogs of Augmentin
Amoxil 625 K
Flemoklav Soljutab
Analogs of Augmentin - a drug A-Clave-Farmeks . Amoxiclav . Amoxil-K , Betaklav, Klavamitin . Medoklav . Teraklav .
Each of these drugs - this is what can be replaced with Augmentin in its absence.
Price analogues varies from 63, 65 to 333, 97 UAH.
Augmentin for children
Augmentin is widely used in pediatric practice. Due to the fact that he has a child release form - syrup, it can be used even in the treatment of children under one year. Greatly facilitates the reception and that the drug has a pleasant taste.
Babies antibiotic often prescribed for sore throat . The dosage for children suspension is determined depending on the age and weight. The optimum split into two doses dose equal to 45 mg / kg per day, or divided into three doses dose equal to 40 mg / kg per day.
How to take the drug to children and the multiplicity of methods depends on the destination of the dosage form.
Children whose weight more than 40 kg Augmentin administered at the same dose as adults.
Augmentin syrup for children under one year are used in dosages of 125 mg / 31, 25 mg and 200 mg / 28 mg 5. The dosage of 400 mg / 57 mg shows for children over one year of age.
Children in the age group 6-12 years (with a weight of over 19 kg) is allowed to appoint as a suspension and Augmentin tablets. Dosage regimen tablet form of the drug is as follows:
- one tablet of 250 mg plus 125 mg three times during the day;
- one tablet of 500 +125 mg twice per day (dosage form is optimal).
Children older than 12 years of age is assigned to take one tablet of 875 mg plus 125 mg twice during the day.
. . . . .
liver .
. clavulanic acid .
clavulanic acid from diarrhea and / or .
positive .
bronchitis or sore throat .
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