Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Panic attacks

December 5, 2012

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 Panic attacks  Panic attack   - It is inexplicable sudden attack of illness, in which the patient worried feeling of anxiety, combined with different vegetative symptoms. For the definition of the term, doctors often use a number of other terms: vegetative crisis . VSD with crisis course . cardioneurosis   and others. In the panic attacks manifest clear symptoms. Treatment of this condition should hold specialist.

How does a panic attack?

Acute suddenly overcome by a feeling undue anxiety had to experience at least once, probably every person .  Such panic disorders are usually accompanied by a sudden manifested palpitations, a feeling of faintness and trembling at the knees .  This reaction is normal, if a person really responds to the threat or danger .  But if such a state is observed on a regular basis, then we are talking about the neuropsychiatric disorder called panic attack .  This pathological condition manifests itself without any reason and includes a person in a completely different life situations .  This can occur in transport or in other places with a large number of people, as well as confined spaces .  Initially, it seems that the reason for such a reaction missing .  As the modern psychologists, panic attacks occur in about 5% of people who live in big cities .


 Panic attacks  Experts claim that panic attacks occur in man as attacks in response to stressful situations and reflect the kind of inner struggle with the aggression of consciousness of the outside world. Another reason that the person concerned about the symptoms of a panic attack, it is the presence of certain psychological conflicts that man can not understand and resolve. Of course, people are prone to such attacks, primarily concerned about issues that are not dangerous if these disorders and how to cope with the manifestations of the IRR. The network has more than one forum, where people are exposed to such an attack, looking for an answer to get rid of these symptoms.

Most often, panic attacks, which are sometimes prescribed by doctors as vascular dystonia . neurosis   Heart et al., occur in people who have little protection from the effects of stress due to the shortage in the body Serotonin   and noradrenaline . It is these substances are effective in preventing the impact of emotional and physical discomfort on the body. Such people can be a time to keep his composure, but too much stress and duration of covering the wave of panic attacks. More women exposed to such practices. Panic attacks often occur during pregnancy, as well as people often drink alcohol.

The starting point for the manifestation of a panic attack can serve anything: stress . emotional fluctuations . not getting enough sleep . This panic attack overcomes the patient is not at the moment when there is an objective danger, and at the usual time. Accordingly, a person is difficult to explain to himself the reason for such nervosa.


The most pronounced is usually held the first attack of a panic attack. Nervosa in humans is accompanied by a sharp rise Blood Pressure , A pronounced affect. The patient pounding heart, sometimes it may even lose consciousness. All subsequent manifestations of panic attacks, in most cases less pronounced.

After the first attack, expressed on how to deal with these symptoms, the person should consult a doctor. Treating panic attacks is desirable to begin immediately after the first cases of neuroses. How to treat the disease, and what methods are preferred in the individual case, also tells a specialist.

In people prone to panic attacks, as a rule, there is increased pressure in the daytime, which accounts for the period of the highest social activity.

As with the first panic attack and subsequent attacks in humans there are marked vegetative symptoms : Sweating, palpitations, feeling the heat , The pressure in the throat, headache, numbness in hands   and Foot . This attack takes about ten to fifteen minutes, but sometimes can last about an hour. After the symptoms subsided the patient feels severe weakness and depression.

Panic attack - another disease in which a person can not be shown to other phobias . Despite this, common in patients susceptible to such attacks as there are different emotional and affective disorders. Thus, panic attacks can be combined with agoraphobia   (fear of open spaces) claustrophobia   (fear of enclosed spaces) fear of crowds .

Sometimes panic disorder can be mistaken for other human diseases. These misconceptions often there are those who have only recently started to be exposed to fits of panic attacks. Such attacks can easily be confused with the manifestations of systemic diseases, neurological diseases, and certain mental disorders.

How to identify a panic attack

There are objective criteria to determine what a person is really prone to panic attacks. It accurately assess your situation and determine whether the manifest symptoms described above, as well as ensure that the following points.

In people prone to panic attacks, seizures occur suddenly and unexpectedly, there is about four episodes per month. At least one of the attacks when a person feels the fear of a new manifestation of a panic attack. When a fit there is a sense of unreality, a person is afraid to die, get sick. To assume that a person is developing a panic attack, it is possible that if he had been, at least four of the following symptoms: a strong pulse and heartbeat; tremors, and a feeling of chill; sweating; difficulty breathing, feeling of suffocation ; painful or difficult breathing; discomfort in the chest on the left; nausea; dizziness   and a state close to fainting; a sense of fear of going crazy or take inappropriate action; numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, sudden inflow of cold or heat.


Once a person turns to the complaints of the above symptoms, doctors originally carried out all the necessary investigations to rule out pathology of internal organs - blood vessels, brain, and others.

Diagnosis is based on the definition of clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as determining the extent of human anxiety. It uses a special rating scale panic attacks and anxiety attacks.


The best way to overcome the bouts of panic attacks is today considered a competent combination of drug and non-drug therapy. Doctor adequately assess the patient's condition, and selects the appropriate antidepressant drug him. It should be taken over a long period. Sometimes this treatment lasts for up to a year. In this way, the content can be adjusted in the patient Serotonin   and noradrenaline . Modern antidepressants can positively affect the quality of life of the patient, without causing undesirable side effects. In humans, decreased frequency and intensity of attacks, fear disappears, improving overall psychological state and mood. In addition, patients are assigned as needed tranquilizers, antipsychotics. If a patient is diagnosed vestibular form of panic attacks, he also shows the reception neurometabolic stimulants sedation.

As a non-drug therapies practiced conducting psychotherapy, changing lifestyle. It is important that a person's life took place as little stress, and there was more positive emotions.

In addition to these methods of treating panic attacks the patient is sometimes advisable to conduct some physiotherapy. Practiced MDM therapy (Mesodiencephalic modulation cortex), electric, color therapy, aromatherapy. Also sometimes appointed reflexology course a relaxing massage, therapeutic exercise, aimed at relaxation, and later - to improve the tone. However, exercise should be moderate intensity and dosage, as severe stress can worsen the patient's condition.

He practiced as an auxiliary herbal therapy, in which patients are encouraged to take daily herbal teas with some calming effect. You can cook and broths extracts of valerian , Speedwell, marjoram, nettle, lemon balm, mint, mugwort, motherwort , Chamomile, hops and others.

It should pay attention to eating habits. Because the diet is better to exclude sharp spices and foods, strong tea and coffee, alcoholic drinks, as they are a stimulant to the nervous system.

How to reduce the intensity of the attack?

 Panic attacks  The patient, who periodically appear bouts of panic attack should learn on their own to cope with the situation by reducing the severity of symptoms. Sometimes the performance of simple recommendations allows you to completely prevent the development of panic attack.

So, initially one must always be aware of the fact that a panic attack does not threaten his health. This simple idea, however, is very difficult to realize in an attack. But if you try to master this method, over time you can learn to control your mind and during a panic attack.

To stop the panic, you should try to take control of a situation that supposedly threatened the man. For this fit a simple paper bag breathing which will help control the view internal organs.

Will the presence of a number of patients with the person who is aware of his problems and can help at any time. Even those people who are used to independently cope with all the problems, seek help. Suffering bouts of panic attacks a person must, at least, mentally give myself permission, if necessary, to seek assistance from others, and does not consider it unworthy behavior. Also remember that there is always a possibility to promptly call a doctor.

Patients who are prone to panic attacks, greatly facilitates the state of awareness: the more he will know about the disease, about how to overcome it and to reduce the symptoms, the more easy it will be to treat its manifestations and to behave appropriately when attacks.

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