Friday, July 1, 2016

What you need to know about ketoacidosis in children

Doctors the whole world obespokoiny increasing number of cases of diabetes in children - the reason they do not yet know, perhaps they think this is due to the deterioration of the environment, migrated certain infections in utero. According to world statistics, the all of last year diagnosed with type 1 diabetes It was placed 79,000 children. AT Russia for the same period registered 14 new cases of diabetes 1 Type 100 000 children.

 What you need to know about ketoacidosis in children  ketoacidosis in children

We have the country also often the diagnosis is put to children and adolescents is not once in Russia and therefore a relatively high level of one of the most serious and acute complications of diabetes - diabetic ketoacidosis. This is related reporters at a roundtable organized by Abbott. Out of the mouths of experts sounded frightening figure: 35% of children already have diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis "diabetes 1 type. "
Hormone barrier
Ketoacidosis - A dangerous complication of diabetes, physicians rightly consider it an emergency situation. Very often, as mentioned above, It is the first sign of diabetes, which causes parents to show the child's doctor. But it may be the result inadequate doses of insulin administration, errors in diet, the consequence acute stress, trauma, infection, pregnancy. If the patient is lowered insulin, it is to protect the body from its harmful action, blood dramatically increases the amount of certain hormones (cortisol, a hormone growth, catecholamines, glucagon). All this leads to certain metabolic reactions: glucose level is also rising, but it becomes inaccessible an energy source for the cells of the small amount of insulin, but because Yet the body it is necessary somewhere to take energy and he splits adipose tissue, which normally does not happen.
how a consequence of all the above, in the blood and urine ketones accumulate, side product of fat metabolism, in other words, chemical products. In other words, Ketoacidosis occurs when the reaction of the blood for some priinam becomes more acidic than the response of body tissues. At a high level of ketones sure emergency medical help if you do not, the level of ketones grow, which can lead to death. The first signs of diabetic ketoacidosis: frequent urination and thirst, then connected nausea, fever that It may lead to dehydration. Ketoacidosis and even danger in that These symptoms difficult to distinguish from other childhood diseases.
Home - Regularity
The patient diagnosed with type 1 diabetes must not only time to inject insulin, competently eat, but also to monitor the level the concentration of ketones in the blood or to call their doctors, beta-ketones. AT America even has an official position, which clearly written recommendations for people with the disease. It should be clearly understood that there is a risk occurrence of ketoacidosis: during pregnancy, stress, errors in diet and etc. Particular attention was paid to American medical education workers, either of which must be able to provide first aid to the victim, and also know that the already existing tests for the analysis of ketone bodies in urine may not be reliable methods of diagnosis or treatment monitoring ketoacidosis. Now, there are techniques for measuring ketones in the blood, which determine the amount of beta-hydroxybutyric acid, the main sign of the presence of ketone bodies. Exactly of American doctors have to use during the examination and treatment of patients diabetes. It is also necessary to talk about the new tests to patients and their families.
In our country such tests have already appeared, and they immediately became interested in not only doctors, and parents of young patients. According Semenova Alevtina, Chairman of the Tula city public organizatsii disabled "Diabetes", a member of Council of public organizations for the protection of patients' rights at the Ministry of Health Tula region, you must tell parents about diabetic ketoacidosis and existing control systems for the level of ketones in the blood. Continuous monitoring of ketones from sick kid can identify or prevent the problem before it becomes very serious.
what you can do at school lessons
AT Tula region is very active in the Diabetic Patient Organization: Kids are imported into the country, of course, accompanied by a doctor, they arrange holidays and special treat diabetic sweets. Moms these children necessarily learn to understand the medicine, then they also teach this their children. And for moms and for kids organize something educational seminars. At school there is another additional problem: they often have to go during a lesson in a medical room to measure themselves sugar and ketones in the blood by tests, so Alevtina Semenova and her colleagues specifically phoned management of schools, met personally with the teachers and explained to them the reason for this behavior, asking them to help children in difficult situations.
Andrew Shanchev, director of funds Abbott's diabetes diagnosis in Russia, CIS and Baltic States have to that modern doctors are guided by indicators like blood tests most informative. To determine the level of ketones in the urine is not necessary, it will be inaccurate as indicators clearly dependent on how much liquid the patient drank exactly what he was taking this day medication, and other factors. Often, this method gives false-negative or false positive result. Also significant is the fact, that for the measurement of blood ketones need only a single drop of blood, and this the procedure is easy to combine with a certain level of blood sugar. For kids it Important - only once a finger prick, not scary. But do not forget that it is imperative seriously ONOS sobvennomu to health: to comply with all prescription, keep a food diary, at the slightest violation being not hesitate and try to take advantage of fast diagnostic appliances, call an ambulance if necessary. Doctors believe that nearly half hospitalizations could have been prevented if the patients on a regular basis We use the method of self-control.
Oksana Herasymenko

Healthy Child

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