Friday, June 3, 2016

10 products Breast Cancer

Numerous scientific research shows that a healthy diet significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer, including breast cancer. Here are some of the healthiest products that will protect from the threat of a dangerous disease.

 10 products Breast Cancer  Diet Against Cancer


Published in 2010 research has shown that the active use of mushrooms the risk of breast cancer   decreases. Mushrooms along with oysters and some other products containing specific antioxidants that protect against cancer.


This vegetable is rich in antioxidant sulforaphane, as scientists have found the University of Michigan. This ingredient destroys cells promoting tumor growth.


The garnets contain large amount of ellagic acid - antioxidant, which inhibits the enzymes play an important role in the development of breast cancer, as scientists have found out Research Institute in the United States.


Published in 2009 the study found that women in the diet which contains large the amount of lentils and beans are low risk breast cancer . The bean contains a lot of folate, fiber and other beneficial nutrients that protect.


Numerous studies prove that eating 60 grams of walnuts a day is stopped the development of breast cancer. That is the conclusion, for example, came to scientists from the University West Virginia.


Science received evidence that contained an antioxidant in blueberries Pterostilbene stunts breast cancer. He makes cancer cells self-destruct. The a process called apoptosis in science.


Women before the entry into menopause, the diet that contains large amounts of dietary folate, who are found especially in spinach, 40% less likely to face the risk of cancer chest as scientists discovered in 2011.


Contained in the eggs of choline is associated with reduced risk of breast cancer by 24%. This is the conclusion of scientists US, watching the diet 3000 women.


Salmon is one of those food products which contain significant amounts of vitamin D. Researchers at the Hospital of "Mount Sinai" in Toronto determined that an increase in vitamin D helps to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 24%.

Black bread

Finnish the researchers found that the use of wholemeal rye bread allows reduce the risk of mammary tumors. This is due to the fact that This bread contains large amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytic acid. (READ MORE)

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