Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Compassion for a man turned plague

 Compassion for a man turned plague  A resident of the US state of Oregon became a victim of one of the most dreaded diseases in human history. It happened after a man tried to save a mouse from the clutches of the cat.

Love for animals has led this man, whose name has not been named, on the brink of life and death. Once he noticed that the neighbor's cat caught the mouse. The man rushed to the aid of defenseless rodent, and at the time of the fight with the cat was bitten. Who it is not clear exactly who was responsible for the bite - a mouse or a cat.

But a few days later the man had a fever, and he went to the hospital. Doctors were surprised to find him signs of the dreaded disease of the Middle Ages, which was almost wiped out all of humanity in the 14th century. The man immediately put to the infectious department.

Initially the patient showed symptoms of bubonic Plague Including swollen lymph nodes in the armpit and groin. But then the man began to severe pain in the abdomen and bleeding, which is a sign of septic Plague . Currently, the patient goes through a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Modern medicine can cure a person from the plague, unless the patient will begin to receive the drug in a timely manner. However, commercially available in the United States for a long time there is no vaccine against plague. A death from this disease occurs within a few days without the drug. Since 1934, the country was noted only four deaths associated with the plague.

Experts found and that same cat. The animal died, and now she was transferred for autopsy. Condition of the patient is assessed as extremely serious.

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