Monday, September 26, 2016

Is it possible to avoid the thrush in the season of colds?

About 75% of women at least once in his life faced with vaginal candidiasis, or thrush simply - a disease caused by the yeast. Some of the ladies thrush becomes chronic and acute several times a year. Often this occurs in the colds season. What is the reason and how to prevent recurrences?

 Is it possible to avoid the thrush in the season of colds?  I have a stomachache

Winter - the period of acute thrush

Many women complain that they have not yet had time to cure the cold or flu, as they already He appeared thrush .

"There are objective reasons - says Tatiana Lukin, MD, deputy chief physician of obstetrics and gynecology clinic Asterimed. - It is associated with reduced immunity, if you are sick of SARS, which means that your body's defense system failed, it is weakened. Taking medicines, particularly antibiotics, you are more suppress the immune system, both general and local - in the vagina. Antibacterial drugs kill not only harmful bacteria but also beneficial - lactic acid bacteria contained in the microflora of the vagina, whose function - to restrain reproduction of the fungus Candida. As a result of adverse changes in the microflora of the vagina, it begins uncontrolled growth of fungi and yeast there. "

According to the experts, especially high risk of candidiasis against SARS - in women who suffer from the chronic form of the disease.

Why thrush repeated?

Very few people know, but part of the transition to a chronic form of yeast contributes to the aggressive advertising of antifungal drugs that promise to cure this ailment intimate with just one pill. Ladies believed then, and admit a major error.

The fact that antifungal drugs only reduce the number of fungi Candida, but this is not enough. To prevent their further reproduction, the immune system must be strengthened in the vagina, for example, using a spray "Epigenes sex." This tool will also speed up the removal of itching and burning with thrush.
When choosing a treatment, it is important to look at the root of the problem. Then the risk of recurrence of candidiasis, even in a season of SARS will decrease significantly.

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