Friday, September 30, 2016

Those born in the winter before the children begin to crawl

Israeli scientists have found that children born in the winter are beginning to crawl earlier than kids who were born in the summer. It is associated with fewer clothes on children, and that they are more likely to spend time lying on her stomach.

 Those born in the winter before the children begin to crawl  The baby crawls

Researchers at the University Haifa found that born in the winter confident children begin to crawl in the 5 weeks before the kids, which appeared in the summer months. Thus, in winter, these abilities of children appear, on average, 30 weeks, and in the summer - in 35. It is believed the study's authors, born in the winter Children crawl at the summer months, when they have a minimum of clothing, impeding traffic. In contrast, for born in the summer   children This period falls in the winter months, when most clothing.

 Those born in the winter before the children begin to crawl  The baby crawls

In summer, the duration of the light day and daily activities kids anymore, so children spend longer periods of time on the floor, lying on his stomach. It is believed Israeli the researchers, their findings could be valuable information for parents who We need to create their kids more opportunities for movement during the winter months.

Note that earlier scholars from University of Vienna in Austria have found that born in the period from October to February, children often have left-handers. According to researchers, it is due to the fact that even at the embryonic stage during summer months subject to greater exposure of the male hormone testosterone, which is due It increases the likelihood of becoming left-handed. And it adds solidity theory that left-handedness is not caused by upbringing, and hormonal factors. (READ MORE)

Healthy Child

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From that condoms do not protect

 From that condoms do not protect  The use of condoms makes sexual intercourse protected, but in some cases, genital infections rubber product №2 is not a barrier.

Doctors say that in many cases people get in trouble only because it is wrong to use a condom. There are a number of diseases that can acquire from the lack of attention to themselves.

Syphilis.   If sore that usually leaves the disease genital localized elsewhere, could cause contamination (provided, of course, it was contact with the flesh of an infected person). Sometimes the "label" of syphilis are on the scrotum, stomach, mouth, on the lips, in the anal area, and even on the palms. In these cases, the condom does not always save.

Genital herpes.   High-quality condoms significantly reduces the risk of contracting herpes. But it happens, if the blisters occupies the vagina and cervix in women and men - the head and shaft of the penis. However, if bubbles dot not only the genitals, and pubic area, the causative agent of the friction can move from one carrier to another.

Genital warts   or genital warts can occur in sexually active people 20-40 years of neglecting personal hygiene. The probability of infection is increased in lovers who have not recovered gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and other inflammations of the urogenital system.

Often warts appear in the genital area - on the bridle of the penis, in the coronal sulcus of the glans and in the inner layer of the foreskin in men. In women, warts cover labia, vaginal opening, the anus.

Molluscum contagiosum   appears in place of the introduction of the virus - on the face, abdomen, neck, thighs, genitals. White or pale pink rash is often outside the "coverage" of the condom.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The epidemic of influenza - the beginning of next week

 The epidemic of influenza - the beginning of next week  On Tuesday the head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko. Chief Medical Officer of the Russian Federation suggested that the mass infection of people will start after the New Year holidays. Officially the winter break ended on 10 January. After a long break, the children again went to kindergartens and schools, and their parents went to work. According to Onishchenko, the first "call" for a flu epidemic we will get after the next weekend. Will surge disease, and more will only get worse.

This statement is the chief doctor of the Russian Federation fully supports the long-term forecast made by the Office in the early fall of 2011. Then, despite the total incidence   flu   and ARI both Muscovites and residents of Russia's regions, the epidemiological threshold has not been exceeded (except in the Chelyabinsk region, where the number of patients has gone beyond the norm by 18%). In the last months of 2011 according to Rospotrebnazdora viral infections had been ill for about 24 million people (22 million acute respiratory infections and 2 million, respectively, flu). Ministry officials claimed that the mass flu epidemic   will be in January 2012.

"2011, more than 30 million Russians were vaccinated from three types   Flu "- Onishchenko report. However, if you believe the official statistics for the same year, our population is 142 million people, and timely injection of the vaccine to make only one-fifth of them.
His predictions are doing and physicians. They argue that the new season mortality rate a flu epidemic   It will not be exceeded. We are faced with the already known strains that many Russians are already ill. It:
• strains Flu   A / H1N1 "California" and likely to "Perth"
• H2N3
• Type B viruses

Flu   - Acute respiratory disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It differs from other similar diseases more severe and serious complications. As a rule, they are particularly susceptible to complications of the elderly, young children, people with chronic diseases of the heart, lungs and kidneys.

Prevention of influenza

First of all, active immunization - vaccination. In the body is introduced a piece of dead or attenuated pathogen, an infectious agent. The virus contained in the vaccine can not cause disease, but the body will begin to actively produce antibodies against foreign microorganisms. When the body gets have a "real" flu virus, the body will not spend time on the production of antibodies, which will actively attack the virus and prevent infection of cells.

To increase the resistance of the body, take vitamins, eat onions and garlic.

Such as the anti-influenza drugs rimantadine, Arbidol, amiksin not be taken up to 7 years!
We remind you, you can knock down antipyretic temperature after 38 degrees, as at temperatures up to 38 degrees organism "used" in the form of a protective agent.

At the time of the epidemic need to observe good personal hygiene: as often as possible to wash your hands, wash more often change handkerchiefs, and better to use paper to eliminate the possibility samoinfitsirovaniya.
It is also necessary to prevent hypothermia, fully fed and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Depression improve our character

 Depression improve our character  It turns out that even depression it is sometimes useful to humans. After a long period of anguish we become more persistent and creative.

Depression   It has long been turned into a disaster of modern life, with its furious pace, rampant industrialization of society and an acute sense of loneliness among ordinary citizens. According to statistics, from   depression   in different periods of his life suffers up to 60% of the population. In the UK alone every year issued 30 million prescriptions for antidepressants.

CAUSE depression They vary widely - from the troubles in the family to chronic stress or problems with money. But if science until recently considered depression   clearly harmful to health mental disorders , But now some experts say the possible benefits depression .

It turns out that for some people like mental disorders   can be a positive life experience, after which the person will become more solid, durable and even creative. There was even a point of view that depression is not a disease but a survival mechanism that helps a person in moments of life crisis to mobilize and re-prioritize.

"Of course, voluntarily nobody chooses to depression, because it is very unpleasant condition, - says the psychologist and psychiatrist from Cardiff University, Dr. Paul Kidwell. - But we would have for a long time to ask yourself the question - why mankind does not get rid of this problem over evolution? Perhaps because in fact man needs depression. They make us "hit the brakes", overestimate lifetime and our in its objectives. And sometimes we have to reach and some creative goals through the pain of depression. It sometimes awakens human creativity. "

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Four problems for thyroid

 Four problems for thyroid

According to the observations of doctors or people tend to forget about the thyroid gland, or to reassess its role in health problems. Nevertheless, there are situations that signal: with shchitovidkoj something wrong, you need to contact the experts

Our expert - at the Department of Endocrinology of the Moscow Medical University. Sechenov, MD Valentin Fadeev .

Too few

The situation first . Young woman - "not sick, not healthy," doctors can not put any diagnosis, treatment does not give the desired effect.

The lack of thyroid hormones is often expressed in a wide variety of ailments. For example, in patients with insufficient thyroid function, hypothyroidism, hepatitis can be suspected, since they are characterized by yellowish color of the skin.

Young girls with poor thyroid function is often disturbed strong unreasonable fears, depression. They are characterized by lethargy, drowsiness. The lack of thyroid hormone affects the cardiovascular system. Disrupt the normal operation of the heart, heart failure develops, low (30% of patients) or high blood pressure. Doctors often only pay attention to the result - a violation of the cardiovascular system, ignoring the cause. Hypothyroidism is often accompanied by anemia - a shortage of hemoglobin in the body. At deficiency of thyroid hormones can be menstrual irregularities, loss of libido, uterine bleeding, the appearance of secretions from the breast.

Decision . If you notice such symptoms it is advisable to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland. It is very easy: you need to donate blood to determine the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), on the basis of which you can say for sure whether there is hypothyroidism. Treatment of hypothyroidism is now well developed. Against the background of well-chosen modern replacement therapy a person's life with a deficit of thyroid hormone is practically no different from usual.

Too many

The second situation . Woman lost weight dramatically, often irritated by trifles, experiencing mood swings.

This condition is associated with excessive production of thyroid hormones. Most often, they suffer from the young or middle-aged women with a certain hereditary predisposition. In these patients there is an arrhythmia of the heart, they lose weight, feel weak.

Decision . There are various methods of treatment of this disease. First of all, long (but not more than 1, 5 years) drugs that block production of thyroid hormones. The method is promising only in the case of a small increase in thyroid. Its efficiency is unfortunately small - about 30%.

In other cases, a more radical treatment - surgical removal of the thyroid gland or its destruction by radioactive iodine. Thereafter, patients receive replacement therapy of thyroid hormones. Afraid of radical treatment is not necessary, as the modern replacement therapy for hyperthyroidism allows a normal life, and virtually nothing does not deny.

All the nodes

Third situation . During the ultrasound discovered node thyroid.

The appearance of nodules are often to blame for long, for many decades, iodine deficiency.

However, the "nodular goiter" - this is only a preliminary diagnosis. Under it may hide different diseases - from the banal to the colloid goiter thyroid cancer. Although the vast majority of cases of malignancy are not talking.

Node in the thyroid - a tissue site that is different from the surrounding density, volume, and sometimes the structure. It can be more active than others parts of the gland to produce hormones. But most of organ function at the same time as a whole is not affected. That is why the appearance of the node is rarely accompanied by any symptoms.

There are other reasons for the formation of nodes, such as the thyroid gland cyst or autoimmune inflammation.
Usually, that the thyroid gland is a node, we learn from a physician who probes his hands. It also happens that the first node is detected only by ultrasound scan or radioisotope cancer.

Decision . If the node does not exceed 1 cm in diameter, and is not detectable, no further investigation and treatment is not required. It is only necessary follow-up. If the node is more often the doctor appoints needle biopsy. This is the most accurate diagnostic method. It allows you to establish a diagnosis and to choose the right tactics treatment.

Needle biopsy is absolutely harmless. Often it is performed under ultrasound guidance, and therefore, damage to other organs (that many fear) are not possible. In rare cases, the doctor may recommend surgery. For small entities, the tumor nature is ruled out, the operation is not required.

Heavy climax

Situation fourth . The woman took hard climax, and she feels quite ill.

The lack of thyroid hormones during this period can cause weakness, memory loss, changes in reflexes. Characteristic and various metabolic disorders: first lipid - in the blood of excess cholesterol builds up, developing atherosclerosis and obesity. Violations of water-salt metabolism manifested as edema. Due to the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx difficulty breathing, hoarseness appears. Swells and mucous auditory passages, which can lead to hearing loss.

Since thyroid hormones "responsible" for thermoregulation, when their lack of body temperature often decreases. It is not surprising that women are constantly freezing, feeling of sluggishness and fatigue.

Decision . In 8-10% of the women after the age of 50 years disrupted thyroid. In this case, the consultation of the endocrinologist is essential. The universal method of prevention of endemic goiter and other iodine deficiency disorders - the universal iodisation of salt. This method is approved by the WHO.

Through propaganda and organizational activities of domestic endocrinologists and a number of international organizations, the share of iodized salt in the Russian sales increases, she appeared in stores. Instead of the usual salt, use only iodized. Some believe that the right to eat fish, and iodine deficiency is not. Not every fish contains enough iodine, but only sea. To ensure the daily requirement of iodine, you need to eat 200-300 grams of fish every day so that unrealistic. And every day there are sea kale - employment for people with an iron will. Much easier to eat what you want, but instead use iodized common salt.


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Stuttering proved genetic disease

 Stuttering proved genetic disease  It is possible that in a few years the medicine will come up with a drug to treat stuttering. The scientists were able to unravel the true causes of this speech impediment.

After 12 nominations for "Oscar" and the international fame of the film "The King's Speech" theme Stuttering   became extremely popular in the media, not only in medical subjects. The fate of the British King stutterer who persistently treated for inappropriate speech impediment for the monarch, was close to millions of viewers. And hundreds of thousands of stutterers spotted a kindred spirit on the screen.

Until recently, it was customary to assume that the only reason Stuttering   is any severe nervous shock or a difficult childhood. But US scientists have found that stuttering - The genetic defect as well. Specialists from the National Institutes of Health have identified three minor genetic mutations that affect the processing of speech in the brain. It was found that these mutations are common in stutterers.

"Of course, genetics is not responsible for all occasions Stuttering - Says Dr. Dennis Drouson. - A large part of stutterers may become so for some other reason. But now we have the information about genes, which was very unexpected. "

More severe mutations of the same gene in humans causes a rare and unfortunately incurable metabolic disorder called mukolipidoz. His victims usually die before they reach the age of 10.

Currently stutterer may try to correct a defect with the help of speech therapists, but this stuttering treatment   does not exist. However, the discovery of Americans, in theory, could lead to a new method stuttering treatment .

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Monday, September 26, 2016

Is it possible to avoid the thrush in the season of colds?

About 75% of women at least once in his life faced with vaginal candidiasis, or thrush simply - a disease caused by the yeast. Some of the ladies thrush becomes chronic and acute several times a year. Often this occurs in the colds season. What is the reason and how to prevent recurrences?

 Is it possible to avoid the thrush in the season of colds?  I have a stomachache

Winter - the period of acute thrush

Many women complain that they have not yet had time to cure the cold or flu, as they already He appeared thrush .

"There are objective reasons - says Tatiana Lukin, MD, deputy chief physician of obstetrics and gynecology clinic Asterimed. - It is associated with reduced immunity, if you are sick of SARS, which means that your body's defense system failed, it is weakened. Taking medicines, particularly antibiotics, you are more suppress the immune system, both general and local - in the vagina. Antibacterial drugs kill not only harmful bacteria but also beneficial - lactic acid bacteria contained in the microflora of the vagina, whose function - to restrain reproduction of the fungus Candida. As a result of adverse changes in the microflora of the vagina, it begins uncontrolled growth of fungi and yeast there. "

According to the experts, especially high risk of candidiasis against SARS - in women who suffer from the chronic form of the disease.

Why thrush repeated?

Very few people know, but part of the transition to a chronic form of yeast contributes to the aggressive advertising of antifungal drugs that promise to cure this ailment intimate with just one pill. Ladies believed then, and admit a major error.

The fact that antifungal drugs only reduce the number of fungi Candida, but this is not enough. To prevent their further reproduction, the immune system must be strengthened in the vagina, for example, using a spray "Epigenes sex." This tool will also speed up the removal of itching and burning with thrush.
When choosing a treatment, it is important to look at the root of the problem. Then the risk of recurrence of candidiasis, even in a season of SARS will decrease significantly.

Pregnancy and Gynecology

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Obsessions are treated toilet

 Obsessions are treated toilet  Someone washes his hands 100 times a day, someone arranges all things around the apartment in a very specific manner, someone is afraid to go out. The life of these people blighted by severe mental illness - obsessional neurosis. In America, we have met doctors who treat the disease.

Official medicine calls this disease obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder) . These days in the United States held 16 Annual Conference of the International OCD Foundation, where for three days attracts patients and physicians to exchange experiences. Only here, patients with OCD (among other things, the fourth most common mental illness in the world), can learn about the latest treatments.

Patty Lange feels a special fear of door handles. It is like to have touched thousands of people. Who knows what diseases they suffer. "Somewhere deep down I realize that the risk of catching any infection in this way is small, - said Lange. - But the fear is still sitting in the back of me. Mother tried to help me many times, touching the handles of the walls show as it is safe. And I thought to myself, 'That's good, get sick themselves, without me. It's your health, and the risk of them as you want! "

Patty became a member of the group courses of therapy, which was carried out by experienced professionals. She describes the thrill of one of the tasks received from the psychologist: return to the hotel before hand to touch the toilet toilet seat, and then the same hand to take some candy and put it in his mouth. Lange says that her fear of the whole life flashed before my eyes when she did it. The next day, being on treatment, she entered the room, holding his bare hand on the doorknob. The first success was achieved.

" OCD like a cancer - said psychologist Dr. Grayson. - If the disorder is not treated, it will grow until it will make life quite agonizing. People do not need to be shy obsessional neurosis   - With him to fight. "

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Every other fear, every fourth is silent about it

Half of Britons have any phobias, but just a quarter of the population is ashamed to talk about it and ask for help. To such conclusion the British researchers.

 Every other fear, every fourth is silent about it

Thus, every seventh resident of Albion suffers from fear of flying or aerophobia, and about one in ten suffers from arachnophobia, or fear of spiders. 10% of Britons claim that their Phobias   developed so much that they negatively affect their love life, and 7% for a variety of fears of an obstacle in the work.

Experts in the field phobias   Nick and Eva Spykman are educating, attracting public attention to this issue. They hope that more people will speak about phobias, the less they will be ashamed of, and thus are more likely to seek help. After the shame that prevents a person to turn to specialists for the treatment of phobias, too, it is a kind of phobia.

"Many victims of phobias feel isolated, they are ashamed of their own weaknesses - say Nick and Eva. - They have to hide their own fears from others and adapt to this kind of life. People are suffering, believing that they will never overcome their most extreme phobias. But We have no doubt that these obsessions amenable to therapy. "

Modern psychiatry has accumulated over the centuries arsenal of treatment of phobias, which also includes medications and hypnosis and group sessions and individual interviews, the purpose of which is to find the original cause of education phobias (eg, certain traumatic moment in childhood) to try to overcome it. (READ MORE)

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Happy event from which there is stress

If you are not going on no apparent trouble, that does not mean that your body is not experiencing stress. Even happy events can not cause positive emotions and bitter and cause stress, however illogical it may seem.

 Happy event from which there is stress

Physicians are reminded of this, as the spring transition period places a heavy burden on the mind, and if it is vulnerable, the breakdown can happen at the most prosperous-looking circumstances. According to psychiatrists, all that breaks the daily routine and the familiar mode of human existence, can cause stress reaction. In such circumstances, even the long-awaited holiday can be stressful. Sunday For example, for many working people are not getting a day of rest, but on the contrary - the most hectic day because of the stressful feelings in connection with the concern for the next working week, reports «Raut».

Another strong stressor of discharge of joyful - getting a new job   or promotion. Studies have shown that the intensity of the stress test it second after the divorce.

Even a seemingly light the feeling of love   could easily plunge the body to stress, get to experience fear, anxiety, frequent fluctuations in hormone levels and mood - especially at the initial stage of relations. What to say about the day of birth, which is often even called the sad occasion. Although the gifts, smiles and congratulations, birthday   - One of the most stressful events in a person's life, especially when celebrated round date. For many, the anniversary is a testament to the inexorable aging and proximity to death. (READ MORE)


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A new method of breast cancer treatment

 A new method of breast cancer treatment  Breast cancer is among the leading cancer disease in women and its incidence is steadily increasing. The world is annually registered more than 1 million

of cases of breast cancer. The main treatment for this disease is currently considered complex treatment including surgery (most often it is the removal of the entire breast or mastectomy), chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and radiotherapy. However, there are more modern and sparing techniques that eliminate the need for removal of the breast and do not cause harm to the patient's body.

American researchers have provided important information about the latest method of treatment of breast cancer stem cells .  We know that each cancer cell performs its function, and only a small part of the cells have the unique ability to self-sustaining and form new tumor cells .  Approach professionals GENova center in New York based on the most modern technologies .  They allow to recognize specific proteins in tumor stem cells, which determine tumor growth .  Determination of molecular markers of these cells makes it possible to develop new effective treatments for cancer .  Studying stem tumor cells - a huge step towards a holistic understanding of disease .  Now, when it became vozmozhnymopredelit unique characteristics of these cells can develop cell-specific therapy aimed at their destruction and cure of breast cancer at the beginning of its development .

The key moment in modern biotechnology is the labeling of tumor cells directly to the location, where is their distribution and growth. Now that they can identify unique proteins scientists synthesized programmed for the destruction of tumor cells, while
healthy cells are not zatronuty.Spetsialisty Research Center in New York are planning to use these technologies in the development of new anticancer drugs.

In the future, this technology will allow to determine the healthy stem cells, and then create and introduce them so that they can destroy the cells were swollen, thereby contributing to the healing of patients from the deadly disease. A new treatment for breast cancer has huge advantages over the currently used disfiguring mastectomy and radiation therapy obsolete.

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Save if a vaccination against tetanus?

 Save if a vaccination against tetanus?  It seems that parents do not need to explain the importance of vaccination against tetanus. But they are wrong when they think that the "school" shots protect against the danger of the disease for life. And yet, in the summer it increases the risk of contracting serious, because it is during the holidays more and more cases of child injuries ...

Prevention of tetanus   It involves a series of childhood immunizations. First (DTP) is carried out 3 months of age, and almost no protection. The second is 4, 5 months, the third - after another month and a half. Thereafter, up to the age of the child polutoragodovalogo tetanus is not terrible. But in the 18 months needed revaccination. Then another - 7 years, and finally, the last "school" - 14 years. In the future, according to doctors, every 10 years, a person needs to re revaccinated to maintain a steady immunity to a dangerous disease. And then, get hurt, you can feel safe only on the condition that after the last vaccination was not more than 5 years. If passed still more, tetanus prophylaxis   It should be an emergency.

Child injured ...

Clean the wound from dirt and rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide. If a child is injured and bleeding in the sandbox, or playing with the animal, immediately contact the emergency room.

When the sound alarm

Infection occurs in contact with the wound anaerobic bacteria tetanus. If the body does not have the strength to resist, the disease begins to develop in 7-14 days after injury.

The risk of infection increases dramatically if ...

- After treatment the resulting wound is more than 6 hours;

- Received the wound - puncture or break this tissue;

- The depth of the wound - more than 1 cm;

- The wound - a bullet or obtained as a result of a puncture, burn, bite, crush, frostbite 2 degrees or more;

- The wound is a long-running abscess, carbuncle;

- Present in the wound dead tissue;

- The wound foreign objects - particles of rust, earth and splinters, or saliva of animals.

Symptoms of tetanus

Symptoms of tetanus   in some cases, may occur after 30-50 days after infection, when it received a wound already forgotten. But the shorter the latency, the more painful the disease passes.

Starting from tetanus is always difficult. The first and most common symptom is a tonic muscle tension jaw movements of the mouth with difficulty because of the chewing muscles spasms, like a man batters in a fever. This is followed by other symptoms of tetanus, which form a typical triad: "sardonic smile" because of spasm of the facial muscles and impaired swallowing due to the contraction of the muscles of the pharynx. Violated the bodily function of muscles: muscles numb neck, sharp bends back, straighten the arms and legs. Tonic voltage applied to the intercostal and diaphragmatic muscles, due to which it becomes hard to breathe, to do full, deep breaths.

Emergency measures against tetanus

 Save if a vaccination against tetanus?  The introduction of the vaccine against tetanus.   It can be AC ​​- preparation containing Tetanus Toxoid And causing the immune system to produce antibodies to this toxin. Either Td - vaccine containing both   Tetanus Toxoid And Diphtheria toxoid .

Attention! In case of emergency prevention it is very useful to have at hand medical records (paper) with the data that was made when the last vaccination. This will have the doctor invaluable assistance in the selection of measures against tetanus. In addition, this paper should take, and while traveling.

Prick PSCHI (tetanus human immunoglobulin).   Sometimes after injection also makes an inoculation to stimulate the immune system to turn on the protective properties. If the immunoglobulin is not available (which, in general, it is not uncommon), used instead MSS - tetanus horse serum.   But unlike PSCHI injection, it can cause allergic reactions, so before it is used to pre-allergoproby (and even for a week then you will need to take antihistamines). But after the introduction of serum in the physician's office is still better to stay somewhere around an hour.

Note that after the emergency has been made vaccination against tetanus , Will have to visit the emergency room again to make another shot (do not forget to check with the doctors when it is). Otherwise - if suddenly the child, such as a year accidentally stepped on a rusty nail - will have instilled the new.

Treatment and prevention

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Coronary angiography (coronary angiography)

Coronary angiography (coronary angiography) - radiopaque method for studying the state of coronary arteries. You can use it to identify the location and degree of narrowing of the coronary arteries, as well as other types of arterial disease: the presence of a thrombus, strain (dissection), spasm, or myocardial bridge.
Coro  Coronary angiography (coronary angiography)  narografiya   at the moment - the most accurate and reliable method for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, which can solve the issue of patient management in a given situation, for example, to evaluate the treatment strategy specific medications, need for angioplasty and stenting, or coronary artery bypass surgery.
The operation is considered invasive, i.e. at the time of the operating conditions in the human body to introduce a special catheter. Such an operation may be performed for diagnostic purposes and for monitoring the condition of vessels after operations already carried out.

Specific terms

Hemostasis - stop bleeding at the puncture site with an elastic bandage.
Arterial puncture - puncture a special tool.

Contraindications to angiography

Absolute contraindications exist.

Terms of the transaction

Coronary angiography is performed only in the operating room tend to require hospitalization for 2-3 days. On the first day - sampling tests and allergy tests to contrast media,
on the second day of the study is carried out, after which the need to comply with bed rest day, on the 3rd day: remove the pressure bandage, heart surgeon koronarogrammy analyzes and recommends treatment.

Indications for coronary angiography

- High risk of complications according to a survey (including asymptomatic CHD)
- Ineffectiveness of medical treatment of angina pectoris
- Unstable angina not amenable to medical treatment,
- Post-infarction angina,
- Inability to identify the risk of complications using non-invasive methods,
- Upcoming open-heart surgery (valve replacement, correction of congenital heart disease, and so on. D.) In patients older than 35 years.

 Coronary angiography (coronary angiography)  Special conditions

Coronary angiography is carried out in a planned and urgently.
Do it only in a hospital, because during operation there is a need peripheral arterial puncture and the associated potential complications.

Description of operations

Low-traumatic surgery, so the patient is awake, under local anesthesia identities.
First performed arterial puncture (femoral, axillary, radiation). In some cases, the catheter is inserted through an artery of the forearm, which reduces the period of follow-up after coronary angiography performed.
The artery was a small hollow tube with a diameter of less than 2mm. Through the catheter tube is carried to the coronary arteries of the heart.
Then the catheter is inserted through the contrast agent, which is carried by the blood flow in coronary vessels, and under the control of a special X-ray angiography apparatus is recording studies.
After performing coronary angiography the patient is carried out hemostasis.
Currently, the operation lasts 10 to 20 minutes.
If necessary, you can simultaneously conduct other surgical interventions, for example, the installation of vascular prostheses - stents.

 Coronary angiography (coronary angiography)  During the operation, the result is displayed on the monitor and placed in a digital archive.
After study at the hands of the patient and given a written opinion on the coronary recorded CD-ROM.
This allows you to use the recording for the study by doctors at any hospital and on any computer that allows opredelelit dynamics of the disease.

Where is the coronary angiography

In any large hospital, where there appatarura and trained doctors.

Cost of operation

Coronary angiography is performed on a fee or free of charge.
Estimated cost - 20-25 thousand. Rubles.

Treatment and prevention

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Psoriasis denies personal life and career

25% of all victims of psoriasis states that lost their loved ones because of this disorder, and 40% of the state of their skin repels potential partners. These data were obtained during a sociological survey in the UK.

 Psoriasis denies personal life and career  psoriasis

From psoriasis   It is affecting millions of people, from the ordinary man in the street level of the stars Kim Kardashian and Cara Cara Delevingne. Although this skin disorder is one of the most popular in the world, people still do not want to get used to it. Thus, 25% of the victims psoriasis   They were thrown favorite because of the imperfections of the skin. At the same time 40% believe that psoriasis pushes them to potential partners, and 16% did not attend because of his appointment.

 Psoriasis denies personal life and career  psoriasis

15% of victims psoriasis   I do not go on vacation in the hot countries, where they will need to demonstrate their skin. 22% worry so much because of the psoriasis that their condition is close to a depressive, and had as much as 7% (!) Having suicidal thoughts. Colleagues behave with victims of psoriasis as if with them that something is wrong - sure of up to 50% of the respondents. Psoriasis does not make a career one in six respondents. By the way, the top model Cara Delevingne recently announced that it could withdraw from the podium just because of skin disease.

 Psoriasis denies personal life and career  psoriasis

"Psoriasis I have only exacerbated during fashion week, and it is the least appropriate time of year to go with all these marks on the skin, - told the model. - Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, and I am very sensitive."

Kim Kardashian also feared sunset career when she found out about the diagnosis. "Most of my work took a photo shoot in bathing suits - said the socialite. - People do not understand what I was subjected to the pressure to look perfect." (READ MORE)

Treatment and prevention

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Intestinal bacteria make people eat bread, fat

US scientists have the conclusion that the failure of a significant number of diet can not be explained weak willpower, and the presence of certain bacteria in the gut. Exactly these microorganisms have a strong influence on the taste preferences of people, their attitude to nutrition and hunger.

 Intestinal bacteria make people eat bread, fat  bacteria in the intestine

Researchers at the University New Mexico found a strong link between intestinal bacteria   and the dietary preferences of the person. It was found that certain microorganisms send signals to the body, causing it to consume those products, thanks to which these bacteria in the intestines most successfully reproduce. This discovery can be used in treating obesity .

In the gastrointestinal tract a person is a significant number of different bacteria, which feed fats and sugars from entering into the food. However, these bacteria often manipulating our taste preferences, as the authors of the study. For example, make people lean on fatty foods or on foods which contains large amounts of sugar. It is possible that a sweet tooth become so at the request of bacteria occupying the intestines them.

This means that when certain drugs impact on Intestinal bacteria   man's relation to food intake can vary. And it opens before the medicine radically new, very promising direction in obesity . You can not exclude the possibility that having a slim figure people just have a good set of bacteria in the gut. (READ MORE)


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Proved: commuter mouse dirtier toilet

 Proved: commuter mouse dirtier toilet  British researchers report that the dirtiest thing in the office is not the bathroom, and even a refrigerator. The main breeding ground for bacteria - a computer mouse, a mandatory attribute of any workplace.

Experts visited the three offices and measured the degree of contamination of 158 items collected from 40 tables. The data obtained are compared to the concentration level of harmful bacteria on the surface 28 of the toilet bowl.

During the experiment, it was found out that the harmful bacteria found a more "cozy nest". Their favorite haven recently started computer mouse . The concentration of harmful microorganisms in the crevices art exceeded their number on the handle drain bowl 2-fold, and even public toilet seats 3.
In addition, every other table was still at least one dangerous to the health of the employee thing, anyway related to the process of eating.
Scientists warn that there can not be in front of a computer. Otherwise, the workstation is transformed into a crowd of dangerous microbes, including the bacillus, and Staphylococcus aureus, which increased concentration leads to pneumonia, blood poisoning and other diseases fatal.
Office worker should be as soon as possible to wean from the habit, for example, there are printed as crumbs falling on the keyboard, as well as the dirty hands, using the mouse, making the technique ideal place for bacteria.

"The worst thing is that these items are rarely cleaned properly. So, if the clubs are periodically washed and wiped the table top, the keyboard and mouse do office workers does not occur ", - says the British researchers, noting that women in the office plankton accuracy is not much superior to men.

Among other harmful to human health experts have called objects refrigerator, store baskets and trolleys, as well as mobile phones.

Clean house

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Red meat is hazardous to health

 Red meat is hazardous to health  There is a well-done red meat is harmful to health, warn scientists at the Cancer Center at the University of Texas. Regular consumption of meat, pork and bacon, increase the risk of developing bladder cancer.

"It is well known that the cooked meat at a high temperature to form a heterocyclic amines, which cause cancer, - said one of the study's authors, Professor Ji Lin. - We wanted to find out whether consumption of meat increases the risk of developing bladder cancer And what role can play with the genetic differences. "

The researchers observed the 884 patients with bladder cancer and 878 healthy people. All of them responded to questions about their diet . It turned out that the fans red meat 1, 5 times higher risk of cancer than those who do not particularly collapsing under him. The group at highest risk include such dishes as well done steak, pork chops and bacon. But even the fried chicken and fish increases the risk of cancer.

"This study once again highlights the link diet and cancer - Said Professor Wu Ksifeng. - We got another proof that fans of deep-fried red meat   are at risk ".

A certain individuals risk is even higher, since they have a genetic predisposition to this type of tumors as the authors of the study.

Healthy eating

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Sponges for washing dishes causing paralysis

 Sponges for washing dishes causing paralysis  The kitchen sponges 200 thousand times more bacteria than toilet seats on the surface of the toilet. And some microorganisms can drive a person even to paralysis, according to scientists.

For lovers of purity, who love to use sponges for dishwashing , A shock will be information about how much dirt the items actually contain. Scientists from the University of Arizona found that in ordinary sponges amount is 10 million bacteria per square inch (6, 4 sq cm). A napkin for washing dishes the number of parasites is 1 million per square inch. It is noteworthy that the level of pollution in the toilet toilet seat, which is considered to be the most unhygienic place at home, at 200 thousand (!) Times less.

In the sponges for washing dishes   live is not some harmless bacteria that does not threaten the health of a person with normal immunity. Experts attribute these microorganisms on sponges, clothing and cutting boards with those that cause a variety of illnesses, including Guillain-Barre syndrome. This is an acute autoimmune inflammatory disease that is often accompanied by paralysis and other deadly complications.

Thus, health is useful to cut vegetables right on the toilet seat the toilet than on the board for cutting, which is much dirtier. Or observe strict hygiene rules - to wipe all kitchen surfaces, treating them antibacterial spray. In addition, while in the kitchen you can not touch anything with dirty hands before preparing food and thorough hand washing is essential.

Finally, it is necessary to regularly change kitchen sponges. Some experts even recommend to process them in a microwave oven that can instantly kill most bacteria.

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Men do not tend to change linens

Going on a date with an unmarried fan, taking with him a set of bed linen. Scientists have shared not too joyful discovery: it turns out, men bachelors change bedding in their homes an average of 4 times a year.

 Men do not tend to change linens  a man and a bed

This study found a strange pattern: the younger a man is, the less inclined it is to change the bed. Thus the most slovenly among the stronger sex proved to young people aged 18-25 years, more than half of them (55%) tend to change bed linen every three months or even less.

Ask a question about why men are so rarely do, the experts conducted a survey and received the following reply:

- 49% of men said that they thought it was still permissible linen clean and change it they did not see the point.

- 22% of men said they did not consider it necessary to change the bed more often, and a slightly smaller percentage reported that they, and not care about this problem.

At the same time 17% of men frankly admitted that there were cases when a potential partner refused to close, seeing dirty laundry.

Conducting a survey experts expressed concern that, as far as people are contemptuous of elementary hygiene. For example, when the men were asked whether they changed the linen after the visit of women answered yes to this question is only 32%. Two-thirds of respondents admitted that their bed linen is not washed and after several visits to the ladies. More than half of singles, as it turned out, there is only one set of bed linen. Not surprisingly, he long remained indelible.

For comparison: the married men linen changed on average every two weeks. At the same time 81% of the initiator of the change of linen and laundry are women. (READ MORE)

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Conditioned get sick less often!

 Conditioned get sick less often!  Air conditioners are not only saves us from the stifling summer heat, like the one that was this year in Russia, but also from hospitalizations. That is the conclusion reached by researchers.

A new observation of the sun residents of California suggests that having at home air conditioners people in contrast to its neighbors without air conditioning less likely to suffer from diseases associated with the temperature during the peak heat. These include pneumonia, heart disease and heat stroke. They are also less likely to get into the hospital.

Although this relationship is not so great, the researchers believe that the pervasive installation of air conditioners   would have a beneficial effect on the health status   nation. Policies aimed at encouraging people to buy air conditioners and installation of climate control systems could lead to a significant reduction in the number of cases and deaths due to the hot weather.

This persuaded the epidemiologist Dr. Rupa Basu of the California agency for environmental protection. "We do not want to say that the mass installation of air conditioners that's all we need, - said Dr Basu. - Moreover, a sharp increase in their numbers would entail a very heavy load on the power grid. But I would like to air conditioners were considered as one of the ways to minimize the effects of temperature. "

Also heat shock heat also may cause breathing problems (asthma, pneumonia), and cause the heart to work more quickly to cool the body. Extreme temperatures in Russia have led to a sharp surge in deaths and cardiovascular diseases.

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How to combine wine glasses and drink

 How to combine wine glasses and drink  Well what a house without guests, family dinners and feasts? It is therefore very useful to know some of the nuances and subtleties "bokalovedeniya." And also expect to be able to drink and to cook them.

How to choose glasses at the table

Correctly   choose glasses at the table   - An art. Believe me, the wine does not have to be the most expensive to have a good flavor and aroma. Choosing the right cookware will enable it to open up bouquets - taste and aroma. And vice versa,   Wine bouquet   fade when the glass of the beverage will not suitable, even if the wine is elite.

Here are some guidelines for choosing the glasses give the experts:

1 Wine glasses   You must be crystal. Firstly, they are nice ring. Second, the surface of the crystal, unlike glass, rough - if you rotate the crystal glass wine aroma "disperse" and will play a variety of shades.

2 Wine glasses must be voluminous, but it is a little zauzhatsya to the neck - a form does not allow the aromatic molecules escape in vain, Wine bouquet   It revealed in full force.

3 Where is your favorite drink - a martini, the wider the throat of the glass, the better.

4 What is better to drink champagne? Once it savored of the broad flattened glasses, but it's not quite right - in such a glass of champagne quickly deteriorates, loses its sharpness taste. Narrow bokaly- "flute" in the form of tubes also do not fit - their shape reduces the "striking power" of champagne bubbles.

Ideal pouring champagne in glasses, elongated triangular shape, slightly wider at the neck. The triangular glasses of champagne all the components are distributed exactly as you need to fully enjoy the taste of fizzy drink.

5 In different corners of the mouth are located different taste buds. The sweet taste is best felt on the tip of the tongue, sour - its lateral walls. Proper cookware allows for it all. So, for the sweet wines should choose tulip glasses with "protruding lip" - a little traveling outside the neck. For dry whites - smaller in size and with a narrow "neck", which helps to soften the acidity in the wine available.

6 The speed with which the wine leaves the vessel, is also important. For this reason, better to drink brandy from the "chubby" glasses. Unlike conventional they should be a little longer bring to the mouth - for those extra moments beverage can "open", and its flavor is felt much stronger.

How to count drinks for guests

If you do not know how to calculate the drinks for guests Help simple rules. The basic principle - the distribution of drinks per person.

So, in the first hour feast each has two servings of beverage. Then by one. Slightly less than half of all beverages must be purchased alcoholic quarter - champagne, and only a tenth of - liquor.

By the Numbers: 10 people - 25 bottles of beer, 2 champagne, 2 wines, spirits 1

25 people - 60 bottles of beer, 5 champagne, wine 5, 3 spirits

40 people - 100 bottles of beer, champagne 8, 8 wines, 5 spirits

100 people - 240 bottles of beer, 15 champagne, 15 wines, 10 spirits.

But among families especially in the evening for one person would be enough glasses of champagne and two glasses of wine.

 How to combine wine glasses and drink    Cocktail alphabet

To pamper beloved and impress visitors can learn preparing cocktails at home .

That's what this may be necessary:

SHAKER. Used for beverage preparation with the difficult combinable ingredients.

MIXER. In this all-liter containers of liquid are mixed and transformed into a homogeneous mixture. The mixer is equipped with a dosing scale for accurate measurement of liquid.

Tip: drink from the shaker or blender always natsezhivayte a glass through a strainer that keeps the ice.

Bar spoon with a long handle. She mixed drinks in a blender. Its volume corresponds to about one teaspoon (5ml).

DASH BOTTLE. The small bottle with a device for dispensing a jet dash.

Ice bucket. It kept ice cubes.

Tip: in the right bucket should be a strainer to the ice water can drain off. Ice takes a special forceps.

Shredders. With it, the ice is crushed into small pieces. Some are using for this purpose an ordinary hammer.

Skewers. Sticks that are needed to decorate cocktails with berries and olives.

How to prepare cocktails at home


You will need: ice, 30 ml vodka, 50 ml of dry martini, orange, 1 ch. L. cocoa powder, 1 h. l. caster sugar

Washed Cut orange in half and squeeze the juice. Mix vodka in a shaker,
Martini Orange juice and ice. Add sifted through a fine sieve the icing sugar and cocoa. Povstryahivayte a few seconds and pour into a glass.


You will need: half a lemon slices, 45 ml vodka, 15 ml of liquor "Triple Sec", a little sugar syrup, 10 ml of blackberry liqueur.

Mash the lemon. Mix all (without blackberry liqueur) into a shaker with ice. Pour the mixture into a glass. Carefully pour the liquor on the wall, that he was at the bottom


You will need: 1 tbsp. Pernod spoon, 50 ml pear juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar syrup, 100ml dry white sparkling wine, a slice of pear.

Pour into a glass of Pernod. In a shaker, combine the syrup and pear juice with ice and pour the mixture to the Pernod. Add the wine and garnish with a slice of pear.

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

If you are bitten by a tick ...

 If you are bitten by a tick ...
What to do and where to go - the rules of first aid in sucking insect

How to remove a tick?
If no nearby trauma center, try to do it yourself, recommends Rospotrebnadzor. To remove a tick should be very careful not to break the proboscis, which is deeply and greatly strengthened the entire period of suction. If you remove the tick, observe the following guidelines:
- Grab the tick with tweezers or a clean gauze wrapped fingers as close as possible to its mouthparts and held exactly perpendicular to the surface of the bite to turn around the axis of the body of the tick, remove it from the skin;
- Bite disinfect any suitable means for this purpose (70% alcohol, 5% iodine, alcohol-containing agents);
- After removing the tick you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
- If the remaining black dot (separation of the head or proboscis) process 5% iodine and leave to the natural elimination (ie exit from the skin of the head).
Mites taken from the man placed in a sealed container with a small piece of slightly damp wool and sent to the laboratory.
If unable to study the tick should be burned or pour boiling water.
Where extra ukolyut
Unvaccinated persons held emergency seroprevention - the introduction of human immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis no later than the 4th day of tick suction (hours):
* adult   - At the front desk Research Institute of emergency medical assistance to them. Sklifosovsky (Moscow, Sukharevskaya Sq., D. 3);
* children   - The Children's Clinical Hospital № 13 named. NF Filatov (Ul. Sadovaya - Kudrinskaya, d. 15).
Where do we draw the tick encephalitis and Lyme disease?
Research taken from people infected with the virus in the tick borne encephalitis can be carried out in the department of especially dangerous infections microbiology laboratory «Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow" at the address: Moscow, Count per., D. 4/9 (entrance from the yard, 2nd floor ), tel .: 687-40-47.
The reception is held from 9-00 to 15-30 everyday except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (break for lunch - from 13-00 to 13-30). On the results of the research can be found from 15-00 to 18-00. When handling the laboratory must be given information on the date, and the territory in which there sucking mite (region, state, city).
Where conduct laboratory studies of blood?
Persons affected by sucking ticks in endemic areas can be carried out laboratory studies of blood (serum) for the tick-borne encephalitis in the parasitological department of microbiology laboratory «Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow" at the address: Moscow, Count per., D. 4/9 (administrative building, 2nd floor), or in any other laboratory performing this type of research.
Delivery on the day of blood sampling from a vein in an amount of 4-5 ml., On an empty stomach, dry, clean tube without preservative held: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - from 9-30 at 12-00, issuing a daily response to 16-30 . When handling is necessary to give information about the date and the territory in which there sucking mite (region, state, city).
According to Rospotrebnadzor.


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How to avoid becoming a victim of mites on a picnic?

 How to avoid becoming a victim of mites on a picnic?  According to the established tradition for years Russians celebrate the May holidays in the lap of nature. But, going camping, most citizens care only about how to get comfortable, and a square meal, completely forget the basic rules of behavior in the forest area, in particular, ways to prevent encephalitis and borreliosis.

Carriers of these diseases - pliers , Which are activated with the arrival of the May sun. Becoming a victim of these pests, a person runs the risk of permanently damaged, as encephalitis   It paralyzes the nervous system, and Lyme disease   - All the internal organs.
Avoid "natural" hazard will elaborate marching outfit. Despite the heat, your body must be completely covered by clothing, as these insects can crawl through any crack. Wear long-sleeved shirt, pants and shoes, cap or scarf.
Remember that the human head - the most vulnerable area. Find mite   in thick hair is very difficult, so you "missed" a critical moment.

Returning home, carefully inspect your body. Upon detection of the pest drip it with sunflower oil, but it is best to arrange for the insect a "pool." Take the ring firmly attach it to your body (tick should be at the center of an enclosed space) and fill the resulting range of any vegetable oil. Deprived of oxygen, the animal quickly decides to leave the place of deployment.

If you encounter a stubborn fauna, press mite   with a cotton swab soaked in good spirit or cologne, and then gently grab it with tweezers and begins to "twist" counterclockwise. Avoid the rush and sudden movements - the head of the tick should not remain on your body. That is why rip the insect is strictly prohibited.
If the head of the insect you have not dragged, to urgently go to the doctor. Otherwise, you may start the inflammation (in a good, went to doctors had immediately upon detection of the mite).

By removing insect thoroughly disinfect the wound and be sure to wash your hands. Pulling a tick, do not rush to throw his mortal body. Insect need to carry into the laboratory at the City Institute epidemologii and infectious diseases. The review carried out by experts, we will know whether your tick carriers of dangerous diseases.

Treatment and prevention

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Terrible earaches caused maggot

48-year-old woman came to the hospital with complaints of pain in the ear, which did not stop the whole day. She was shocked when doctors reported that larvae found there.

 Terrible earaches caused maggot  insect in the ear

A resident of Taiwan, the whole day was suffering from severe pain in the ear. At first she thought the pain as something caused by wearing a hearing aid, but the removal of the situation did not improve. Then the woman went to the doctor for advice. Doctors have carefully studied the patient's left ear and saw that the inner part of it is covered with some blood-red secretions.

And directly in front of the ear canal is located Drosophila larvae, which slowly moved inside. As physicians consider, larva insect ear   a woman is not less than a day. Dr. Cheng Chi-Ping, who treated the patient, told reporters that the sensitivity of a woman's left ear was reduced due to extended wear hearing aid.

Furthermore, because of this the apparatus in the left ear it was warmer than usual, which may additionally involve larva. Detailed description of this case is in the medical journal New England Journal of Medicine. It is reported that doctors were able to easily remove the larva treat ear and let the woman home, gave her antibiotics.

Her condition improved immediately after the removal of the larvae. After two weeks, all of the ear canal injury healed. As doctors say, the larva crawled into his ear woman in her home. Most often,   insects in the ears   people get all sorts of flying objects and cockroaches, and as for the larvae of Drosophila, such cases are relatively rare. (READ MORE)

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It is an emergency

 It is an emergency

When it comes to health, it is possible, do not wait until the last. When an urgent need to dial "03", and when you can wait?

No cause for concern

Many people simply do not know on what occasions should seek emergency medical care, and therefore call the "fast" on any trifles. Sometimes they even scandals and require them to come and do the planned puncture or dressing - that is the procedure to do in the clinic in the community. Therefore, we first call the range of circumstances under which disturb the "fast" does not follow.

So, "fast" does not leave:

● to carry out scheduled appointments local doctor (injections, IVs, bandaging, and so on. D.) Or for the issuance of certificates and papers;
● an exacerbation of chronic diseases (if the patient's condition requires emergency medical care);
● to provide dental care;
● for in-hospital transport;
● transport the dead to the morgue.

The sooner, the better

But if the patient's condition threatens his health and life itself, as recorded in the order of the Health Ministry on the procedure for emergency treatment, you should immediately dial the phone "03". But then the question arises: what is considered threatening condition, and that - no?

Well, accidents, say, everything is clear. If a person has a serious injury, burns or electric shock, or, say, the poisoning of some poison and the like, of course, then there is a threat to life and delay the call of "first" is not worth it. But what if there is no apparent reason that resulted in the deterioration of health, was not: a person does not fall, I do not burn and does not take toxic substances, and yet he felt unwell?

Relying on the sensations in this case is not worth it. For example, some people, even in preinfarction and Pre-stroke conditions, do not see the risks they face, while others - too suspicious citizens - from pimple popped up on the bow, able to inflate the catastrophe of universal scale. So let us understand in detail.

Shortness of breath

This may be an attack of asthma, angioedema, a manifestation of acute heart failure or something else. Guessing is not necessary - an urgent need to dial "03", as it threatens the life of the state.

Before the arrival of the physician

If the patient - asthmatic, you need to take the appropriate medication. The room is open vents.


Any bleeding score can go for a minute, so it is necessary to call a doctor immediately.


If this is the patient's only complaint (besides the call made during the working hours clinics), the "fast" useless bother. The exceptions are children under 1 year - these doctors leave at any time. However, "fast" is obliged to come to an adult patient with a fever, if in addition to the heat of the moment:

● any other dangerous symptoms of each of which are described later;
● antipyretic drugs do not help.
● have flu symptoms. As the analysis of the previous seasons, most of the deaths occurred due to late hospitalization of patients with a viral infection.

Before the arrival of the physician

Take antipyretic is not always the case. After high temperature often helps the body resist disease. Where useful in the heat and drink plenty of fresh air. It is possible to visit a doctor to rub the body with water and vinegar or alcohol. In addition, high temperature - is both a clue for the doctor (a type of fever helps to quickly orient the diagnosis).


Many believe that it is - a reason to take a pill, but not a reason to see a doctor. But often, a person with these symptoms need not just medical and ambulance. One of the causes of sudden and severe headache (especially when tilting the head forward) - meningitis. If in addition to the headaches were nausea or vomiting, photophobia, drowsiness, confusion, we must urgently call the "fast". The same symptoms may indicate and Pre-stroke conditions. In this case, there are: numbness of the face, or half of the limb (usually on one side); slurred speech or even complete loss of the ability to speak. If you experience any of these symptoms immediately call "03"! To increase the chances to survive and retain the ability to speak and move only help early treatment.

Before the arrival of the physician

● Place the patient on a high pillow;
● Open the window or window. Remove tight clothing, unfasten collar shirt, a tight belt or waistband;
● Measure the blood pressure. If it is elevated, to give the patient a drug that he usually takes.

If the drug is not at hand, lower leg of the patient in a moderately hot water.

Loss of consciousness, seizures

Fainting can be a result of shock (eg, heart, myocardial infarction, or anaphylactic, allergy to various drugs and substances). And also - if internal bleeding and many other hazardous conditions. Seizures may indicate tetanus, brain tumor, hypertensive crisis, and others. When these symptoms without the "emergency" can not do.

Before the arrival of the physician

Give the patient to smell ammonia, to ensure peace.

Abdominal pain

This symptom may be accompanied by a huge number of diseases: acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and so on. D. Do not try to understand the causes of pain. Even experienced professional is often visited by doubt in the diagnosis, because, for example, appendicitis cleverly disguised as almost any discomfort in the abdominal area. Remember: when any sudden strong pain in the abdomen, and no matter where it hurts: right or left, above or below - immediately call "ambulance." The less time will pass from the time of inflammation, so it will be easier treatment and shorter rehabilitation period.

Before the arrival of the physician

All that is required - to provide the patient complete rest. In no event should not take painkillers - is smazhet picture of the disease and prevent the doctor to put the correct diagnosis. It is impossible, and apply to the sore spot warm heating pad or taking a bath. This is the shortest way to ensure that the inflammation and strengthen, such as appendicitis, peritonitis bring development. Do enemas, drink cholagogue drugs is not worth it in any case.


Sudden chest pain - a symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD). This pain can give back, neck, jaw, shoulder, arm. Swelling, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rapid pulse often accompany illness. Even if the unpleasant feeling lasts only a moment, and then let go, immediately seek medical attention.

Before the arrival of the physician

Pomeroy pressure and, if necessary, take medication that lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. Habitual heart medications, such as nitroglycerin and validol, with CHD do not help.

Lower back pain

It may be an acute attack of sciatica, intervertebral hernia infringement. Or a sign of kidney stones. In this case, as a rule, there is a sharp pain in the sacrum, often with a single hand.

Before the arrival of the physician

Help relieve the pain a warm heating pad and antispasmodics. However, since similar symptoms can be observed in some acute diseases of the abdominal cavity, where the thermal procedures to be dangerous, it is better from the self to the arrival of "first" to abstain.


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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Training - is stress!

 Training - is stress!  Perhaps, harmful and dangerous. Nobody likes even the word stress. Everyone knows that all diseases of the nerves. Anyone who is now reading this will agree that live under constant stress, and ill, and "depression" for that very reason. Did you know that physical activity - it is also stressful. Yes, what! Imposing a lot of stress can be very detrimental affect on your health. What to do?

The main provision of any training process reads trenirovovchnaya load should create stress   to the body , It does not exceed the adaptive capacity of the reserve.

That is why it is so important to your classes any exercise was strictly verified according to your individual circumstances. That is why there is such a science as a sports medicine. That's why coaches are trained and with you are responsible for your health.

Question stress - Very extensive. I want to touch on the issue from different angles, starting with the history of the study of this phenomenon.

In subsequent posts I go to question the effects of stress, such as free-radical oxidation, noogenic neurosis. We discuss the possibility of leveling the prevention of stress and its consequences. We discuss possible approaches. As a practicing coach, like the classic recipe for a panacea: "Sex, sports, sauna." We'll talk more about the pharmacological support: adaptogens antihypoxants, antioxidants, nootropics, the regulator of mental status, medications, accelerating recovery, preventing a decrease in immunity; the practices of relaxation, meditation, breathing practices.

What is stress? Why is it needed? It has provided its very nature!

Stress   - A non-specific reaction the body the effects (physical or mental), disturbing his homeostasis and matching state of the nervous system.

For the first time the physiological stress It described in 1936 by Hans Selye as the general adaptation syndrome in his work "The Stress of Life": "Stress has a non-specific response of the body to any which the claim. [...] In terms of the stress response, no matter pleasant or unpleasant situation with which we are faced. All that matters is the intensity of the need for restructuring or adaptation. "

Versatility accompanying stress "triad changes" - reduction of the thymus, an increase in the adrenal cortex and the appearance of hemorrhage and even ulcers in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract - allowed G.Selje conjecture about the general adaptation syndrome (OAS), which was later called "stress."

Exploring the possibilities of human adaptation to stress Selye brought adopting energy theory, which includes the following provisions:

- Adopting energy available in limited quantities, given from birth.

- A limited number of adaptive energy can be used for the reaction of one stimulus or distributed among the various directions of the response.

- There is an upper threshold of intensity of external factors, the transition through which causes the body's adaptive response.

In 1952 Goldstone suggested that criticism and the development of the theory of Selye 'adopting energy can be produced, although its production is reduced in old age, it can also be stored in the form of the adaptation of capital, although the capacity for this capital is limited. If an individual spends his adaptation energy faster than it produces, it consumes its adaptation capital and dies in its complete depletion. "

Goldstone has introduced the following concepts:

Eustress   - The concept has two meanings - " stress Caused positive emotions "and" not strong stress, mobilizing the body. "

Distress   - Negative type of stress to which the body is unable to cope. It destroys human health and may lead to serious diseases.

Now we commonly use the concepts of short-term stress and long-term stress. These concepts can be compared with the definitions of the Goldstone eustress and distress . Understanding the difference between these concepts, we will look at why and how stress can be a positive response of the body in the form of adaptation, and can cause failure of adaptive capacity and lead to disease, aging of organs and systems.

While stress is a strong release of neurotransmitters into the bloodstream. The result is a general agitation, accelerated thinking, increased physical activity, strength and endurance. Such a reaction excitation CNS entrenched in the process of evolution. There are multiple instances of an amazing increase in strength, for example, when the old grandmother learned from the fire box, weighing 1, 5 quintals, or the woman who raised her on their shoulders truck weighing 3 tons, to save her child.

Neurotransmitters are released into the blood at the time of stress and stimulates the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and glucocorticoid hormones .  T . about .  increased blood pressure through pererasspredelenie blood flow throughout the body (as e.g., narrowed vessels in the excretory organs, increases in the skin and muscles for delivery of necessary nutrients and enhance heat transfer wheel), increased blood sugar and free fatty acids in the blood (for fuel) increased muscle protein breakdown and other protein structures, etc. . d .  Since the human body is preparing to fight .  If this fight takes place, you have a chance to briefly use the increased capacity of the organism, or at least throw emotions .  Reorganization of functions and systems of the body is a reflection of the individual features of the organism that has proved Selye, bearing in mind the limitations of the individual backup features to adapt .

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Fitness for pregnant women: group training

 Fitness for pregnant women: group training  In exercising during pregnancy are several positive aspects. For example, weight control, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, control blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes, maintaining strength in the muscles and ligaments, improving overall health. Some studies show that exercise during pregnancy are pruned during labor to reduce the risk of cesarean delivery and shorten the postpartum rehabilitation. At the same time, it is important that women are not in sports as a means for weight loss, because at this stage of her life is not a priority.

If before pregnancy you do fitness and supporting your body and spirit in active physical form - the better for you and your unborn baby.

Before you start exercising in the gym you should consult with your doctor, tell us their preferences, share concerns and expectations. In the large fitness clubs have a doctor who always helps you, and tell you when a question in class. Now widely in club of developed system of work with pregnant women in the group sessions. To be able to work on program for beremennnosti   spetsialnkyu coaches are trained. Receive a certificate that you can always ask to demonstrate your peace of mind.

Thus, for an effective and useful training in the fitness club you have all the conditions. The only big request, please konsultiruystes coach for group programs, or with your personal trainer at the gym, with the doctor = Fitness Club. He studied under the supervision of experienced professionals, do not rely on the off chance - neither do it alone and without a proven program of action.

Traditionally considered acceptable time for fitness - the second trimester of pregnancy. The first trimester when there is a bookmark of organs and systems, it is better to spend peacefully, without creating excessive body stress. During the third trimester, you will in any case, reduce the load, as it is so big and all organs and systems, as well as possible the likelihood of premature birth.

In no case can not be engaged in any sport, if there are: a severe form of toxicity; acute infectious diseases; fever; acute cardiovascular insufficiency; acute liver disease, kidney; epilepsy; bleeding, increased tone of the uterus; severe fatigue and were premature abortions in previous pregnancies.

Completely to exclude sporting activities on which there is full contact - kickboxing and various kinds of struggle. It is also necessary to give up extreme sports - rock climbing, diving, etc. After the first trimester, it is important to avoid stress, which occurs when lying on the back or stomach.

Training in the gym with a properly chosen weights weight and the correct technique of exercise helps maintain good muscle tone. You can take one approach each exercise 2-3 times a week. Between workouts should always be at rest for at least 24 hours.

Use of weight during exercise will strengthen joints and ligaments, which will help protect them from injury. But you must avoid the use of large scale. For example, the dumbbell weight 1-3 kg it is suitable for exercises on the muscles of the arms.

Which group   program for pregnant women there are health clubs?

Classes with fitball   - Big, bouncy ball, capable of under the influence of body weight sag. Thanks to the elasticity are very useful microvibration. With feetball much easier to perform stretching exercises, it allows you to unload the spine and joints, reduce back pain (or get rid of them at all), to reduce pressure and improve blood circulation. The most simple, but no less useful exercises can be performed at home, for example, with a small amplitude "popruzhinit" on fitball up and down. Or sit on the ball and keep changing the position of the body, as if massaging the buttocks (hips moving in a circle, clockwise).

Yoga for pregnant women   - Physical yoga exercises that are performed in a soft comfortable rhythm, help the body of a pregnant woman to adapt to the changes taking place in it. Breathing practices effectively soothe the nervous system and help prepare for childbirth. Meditation helps to adjust to communicate with your child. During pregnancy, women interested in issues of beauty, preserve its feminine appeal. Yoga for pregnant women helps keep the body flexible and strong, due to breathing exercises improves skin condition. The work of the hormonal system, on which depends largely on the appearance of women, becomes more harmonious. Kundalini Yoga is changing not only the body but also the mind, and with it changes related to childbirth and pain that accompanies them, and which are so afraid of modern women. In the classroom, you can get specific skills to manage his body and breathing to help cope with labor pain. As a rule, the midwife can determine who was engaged at the time of childbirth pregnancy yoga . First of all, as calm and confidence and breathing. Dates: You can attend up to the birth.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women. When doing the action of gravity in the water decreases, so the load on the joints and spine significantly reduced. "A pregnant woman does not feel the weight of his body, enlarged abdomen does not interfere with the movements that are easy and smooth. In the water you can perform such exercises, which are impossible on land, allowing you to relax and relieve the tension from the muscles, which normally accounts for the extra weight of the body. Activities in the water to help the body adapt to all of the changes occurring during pregnancy, improve blood circulation, promote the loss of excess fluid, all the muscles are working and well-trained respiratory system. This is the most enjoyable ways to combat swelling and pain in the back. By the way, lessons in the pool is much less contraindications than the "land" sports. Aqua-aerobics classes for pregnant women   you can do almost to the birth (before 38 weeks).

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sports halfway increases the survival rate of cancer patients

Scientists from the US Loyola University found that patients with cancer, exercise regularly, almost 50% lower risk of dying of their disease. In addition, physical activity, even in the most difficult varieties of tumors can extend the life of patients.

 Sports halfway increases the survival rate of cancer patients  Cancer Treatment

The scope of attention of scientists were 1021 man with oncological diseases, whose average age was 71 years. It was found that those who underwent treatment of cancer, and then with the help of physical activities burn more than 12 600 calories a week, almost twice reduced the risk of fatal disease. This study supports the findings of other researchers who have previously found that physically active patients with cancer is much less likely to die from cancer and heart problems.

"Today, many cancer patients are living longer thanks to early diagnosis and better treatment - said study co-author Dr. Catley Wolin. - Physical activity need the widest possible manner to promote among this category of people, as it provides a more impressive survival. There are lots of studies proving that sport prolongs life. But they are concerned people healthy, and we have focused on those who are ill with cancer. "

Regular exercise strengthens the body's defenses, provide it with additional energy that is needed to combat the terrible disease, stimulate the immune system and give patients power to ensure that endure exhausting therapy. Furthermore, sport also markedly improves mood that are also very important in the treatment of cancer. (READ MORE)


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