Sunday, April 17, 2016

Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car

The number of deaths of children left behind by parents forgetful locked cars in the sun, already amounts to many tens. Simple American student figured out how to put an end to this.

 Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car  The invention of the schoolboy

Abandoned machines children
  die from overheating. We all remember the horror stories of death young Russians Dima Yakovlev, who was adopted by an American family. Adoptive father forgot the boy in the car, when he left for work, and after a few hours Dima died from overheating. When the man told the police about it, he suffered a massive heart attack, but it was nothing to do anymore.

 Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car  The invention of the schoolboy

12-year-old student from Tennessee, Andrew Pelham created gadget called EZ Baby Saver, designed specifically for salvation abandoned car child . The device is a bright neon strip of rubber, adhesive tape, which is attached to the driver's seat and door handle inside. When the driver opens the door, then immediately gadget She invites him to check the back seat, which is usually the forgotten child.

 Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car  The invention of the schoolboy

Baby Saver instantly became very popular and discussed, since it is very easy to install and use. And for its manufacturing used materials that can be found in any household. Most pleasant that gadget the homemade - it does not need to buy at the store or via the Internet, as anyone quickly enough to build something like his hands.

Recently, Andrew Pelham won the first prize at the contest of young Inventors Rubber Band Contes, and the device has attracted media attention. Resulting in an award of $ 500 the boy is going to spend on a laptop, and toys. Note that a few years ago 15-year-old American student jack andraka He developed a method for diagnosing pancreatic cancer at an early stage - when the disease is still possible to win. Andraka came up with a simple test that can save many thousands of lives, because this type of cancer kills up to 97% their victims. (READ MORE)

Healthy Child

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