Friday, April 29, 2016

Doctors saved a woman from hours of orgasm (VIDEO)

The heroine of the next issue of the American documentary series "Sex and sent me to the hospital" has become a resident of Seattle, who spoke about their feelings during prolonged orgasm. According to Liz, at first she was in seventh heaven, an hour later began to worry, and two zasobiralas the hospital.

 Doctors saved a woman from hours of orgasm (VIDEO)  Long orgasm

Before you ask for help from doctors, Liz tried to recover on their own.

"I jumped, drank wine, but to no avail - the attacks continued, becoming more painful every time. The situation is aggravated by the fact that I started to choke, and then-boyfriend Eric took me to the clinic, "- says a young woman.

According to Eric, who accompanied his beloved during a visit to the doctor all the time he felt the surprised looks. "Everyone looked at me, and I did not know what was going on," - he argued.

The doctor to whom addressed lovers, did not immediately understand the reason for the strange behavior of Liz.

"First, he suggested that I give birth, but when we told him about long orgasm , Began to operate. To get me back to normal, the doctors took about an hour, "- said the heroine of the program.

For reference:
Documentary TV series "Sex and sent me to the hospital," tells of the extraordinary effects of physical intimacy. The pilot edition of the program was released on December 23. His hero was a 200-pound man who during intercourse his body fell on his partner, leaving her a concussion. (READ MORE)


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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Ministry of Health monitors the circumcision of boys

 The Ministry of Health monitors the circumcision of boys  Tatarstan Ministry of Health takes control of traditional Muslim surgery circumcision of boys. This is due to the death of several children due to violation of medical standards.

Circumcision   I have done on the religious custom of little boys. Recently in Tatarstan have been several tragic incidents related to operation and have been fatal. Last week, near Kazan died five children. He underwent surgery to remove the foreskin . For a family of her baby was invited surgeon from the local clinic. After circumcision   the boy went into convulsions. On the way to the hospital the child died.

A similar incident occurred in 2008. Then the victim   circumcision He became a four-year kid. Doctors suggested that the death was due to the body's reaction to pain medication.

Such incidents prompted the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan to take drastic measures. The Minister of Health of Tatarstan Ayrat Farrakhov has signed a decree on the establishment of a regional standard surgery. Henceforth surgery to remove the foreskin It can be made only in a hospital setting. Never cut the boys at home or in the mosques. As hope in Ministry of Health of Tatarstan It will reduce the number of complications after surgery.

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In Moscow, will install a giant torch with ice cream

Children's Day in the center of Moscow will be installed giant ice torch, which will be filled with ice cream.

 In Moscow, will install a giant torch with ice cream  ice cream

According to the prefecture of the Central Administrative District of the capital, torch   It will be carved out of ice at Revolution Square, June 1. Its height will be 1 meter and 20 centimeters. The torch will be filled with a variety of ice cream .

Entertainment, a festive event organized by International Children's Day, and will be held during the festival "Days of Russian industries."

All the children who come to the festival will have the opportunity to welcome the Olympic year and receive sweet dessert . All guests will pass a celebratory concert, quiz, Fair, as well as master classes in arts and crafts.

This day will be another celebration of ice cream in the park "Sokolniki". Here orphans will hand out free servings of 6000 goodies . In honor of the celebration of Children's Day in the capital will be more than 300 different events.

 In Moscow, will install a giant torch with ice cream
The Olympic flame went out again
 In Moscow, will install a giant torch with ice cream
The capital will host a strawberry festival
 In Moscow, will install a giant torch with ice cream
Moscow to host Day of lung health
 In Moscow, will install a giant torch with ice cream
Moscow to host sportshou "Marathon of Health"

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Baby fruit drinks harmful soda

Fruit drinks, designed for children, contain more sugar than Coca-Cola. Such the conclusion reached by researchers from the UK.

 Baby fruit drinks harmful soda  Fruit drinks for kids

British researchers studied Viewed fruit drinks . intended for use by children. More than a quarter of all fruit juice drinks, and smoothies were found to contain as much sugar, and how much Coke, and some of these beverages it was significantly more. Although the fruit juice contains natural sugars from the fruit, in the process processing they become "free sugars" which cause tooth damage and lead to a set of unwanted calories.

On the recommendation of the World Health Organization, people should receive a maximum of 10% of the daily doses of energy from added sugars. This is approximately 50 or 10 grams of tea spoons. However, a recent study conducted by researchers from the University College London, shows that this figure could be reduced just 14 grams of sugar or 3 teaspoons. This means that the daily limit The consumption of sugar will be achieved only with the help of half the pot Coke.

Excess amount of sugar is not only leads to damage to the enamel of the teeth, but can cause obesity and Type II diabetes. In the UK and many other western countries, one five children aged 4 to 5 years, and one in three aged 10 to 11 now have an extra weight or obese. That is why scientists are increasingly talking about the fact that fruit drinks   smoothies and should not be become part of a healthy balanced diet.

AT total, per 213 scientists traced products and found that each the fourth has the same amount of sugar as harmful to children's soda. They We used a "traffic light system", in which 117 products were given Red light. The rest received a yellow warning or approving green for use in children. (READ MORE)

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Baby sleep with parents deadly

Love some parents to sleep in the same bed with their babies can turn the most unfortunate consequences, until the death of the child. Experts strongly advised young mothers to give up this dangerous habit.

 Baby sleep with parents deadly  baby sleeps with parents

Babies who share a bed with their mothers, 5 times more likely to become victims of   sudden infant death syndrome . Meanwhile, many women especially sleeping children, to strengthen "emotional connection", while for others it's easier to deal with breastfeeding. Few mothers think that such a "nice habit" - deadly for their kids.

 Baby sleep with parents deadly  baby sleeps with parents

Sudden infant death syndrome is still one of the biggest mysteries in medicine, because doctors do not know exactly what causes it. In the UK, this syndrome die each year 300 children. Science knows that in high-risk groups include premature babies, as well as those who have any problems with the heart and breathing. Often the syndrome of children die of smoking parents who abuse alcohol and drugs.

Recently, British researchers analyzed data from five different studies on sudden infant death syndrome To uncover hidden risk factors. It was found that 88% (!) Of the deaths kids could have been avoided if baby sleeping with parents He is in a different bed or in another room.

In the dream, adults often turn over, and there is a high risk that they are surrendering their child's body, or will close it with a blanket or a pillow that will restrict the flow of air. These kids are also often die from overheating. Currently, 50% of mothers from time to time share the bed with the baby, despite warnings from doctors. (READ MORE)

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why do people tell lies?

 Why do people tell lies?  Psychologists believe that the tendency to lie is formed in childhood and is associated with the experiences of a person because of rejection or humiliation by parents, teachers or other children.

Experts have long been studying the psychology of lies. According to experts, in human society it is impossible to be completely without cheating - one way or another, but all have to fib. The man who always speaks the truth, inevitably has a reputation of the candidate in a psychiatric hospital, to coexist with the other he can not.

However, constantly building relationships in a lie, too, is fraught with failure. If a person is lying, not only to avoid conflict, but also to benefit, credibility is undermined. Especially when a close relationship: the closer they are, the more hurt feelings lie.

Some psychologists believe lies a kind of defensive reaction to the pressure of the cruel world around. Even as a child, in their opinion, people are able to experience traumatic stress, associated with deprivation, humiliation, rejection, moral and material decline. Beating on the self-esteem of the criticism from adults or peers unwillingness to take your company, or the lack of response to the romantic feeling - all this at a time of childhood and adolescence can be a difficult test for the fragile psyche.

Other children and adolescents is unbearably hard to accept the events of his real life: for example, the poor and alcoholic parents, the low social status of his family, setbacks in his personal life. In such circumstances, as a defense against stress a person begins to imagine a different reality, much more successful. This facilitates the load of emotional stress, allows you to "hide" from the problems. But here there is a great risk that people can get carried away and start to lie.

"Any pathological or just a very common lie is explained from a psychological point of view, one regularity: telling lies person creates around itself other, different from the actual space that becomes a less traumatic, and thus more comfortable and happy - said in an interview MEDdaily psychologist and author of the project «Casual-psy - psychology of everyday life," Maria Pugacheva. But instead of simply thinking about their problems, one begins to invent some new and interesting events, facts about yourself. "

According to Maria Pugacheva, in childhood or adolescence liars have gone through difficult situations, and their offenders are usually the parents, classmates, teachers or employers first. Growing up, former victims are constantly forced to defend himself with lies, not to survive the bitter emotions again.


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Recognize narcissus help one question

Scientists at Ohio State University in the US found that the degree of narcissistic or that person can be judged after answering just one question. This conclusion was reached after 11 experiments involving 2200 people of different ages.

 Recognize narcissus help one question  Jonquil

Selfish people concentrate on your own needs and feelings, and admiring an extremely called daffodils . These people society has traditionally been negative, although many Daffodils   very cleverly disguised. American scientists have found that disrupt this disguise is quite simple - we just have to ask the person to answer only one simple question.

Researchers asked participants in the experiment how narcissistic They consider themselves to be on the seven-point scale, where 1 is "I am not Narcissus at all "and 7 -" This is my true nature. " It turned out that the answer to this question gave almost exactly the same results as and much more complex rating scale daffodils, developed by scientists and composed of 40 questions. And where you can ask a question, do not need the extra 39.

"People who recognize themselves For this seven-point scale with more narcissistic and more likely are established, - says the author Brad Bushman of the experiment. - Practically Daffodils proud of the properties of the character. You can ask them about it directly, and they answer, because they do not consider their Narcissism something negative. They believe that superior to other people, and they have no complexes interfering announce it publicly. "(Read More)


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The human brain changes after 3 hours after taking antidepressants

American scientists have found that antidepressants alter the familiar architecture of the brain in just a few hours after their admission. The researchers hope that their discovery may someday help in developing individual therapy for people suffering from depression.

 The human brain changes after 3 hours after taking antidepressants  Antidepressants

In the journal Current Biology published the results of a study that showed that a single dose Antidepressants   I have been able to influence on the architecture of the brain, changing the usual connection between his different regions within a few hours. Meanwhile, taking these medications, patients typically do not notice any change in a matter of weeks.

The study's authors believe that the their discovery will help doctors determine whether a patient is responding to certain psychiatric medications by scanning the brain. As a rule, low the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain is associated with depression. Antidepressants   block the process brain serotonin reabsorption. This function is performed by a group of drugs serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

To conduct the study scientists compared the gray matter of the communication of the human brain, the host depressant, and do not take them. It was found that modification of these relations It observed within a few hours after taking the medicine. If there is more the amount of serotonin in the gray matter decreased functional connectivity the brain, but some of his region did not fit into this pattern. Scientists themselves They say they do not expect to see as the human brain is literally "highlighted" three hours after antidepressants . (READ MORE)


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Among American students are promoting homosexuality

US high school students were involved in the scandal of sexual education. They are encouraged to become parties to the scientific program, which, in the opinion of the public, is immoral and corrupting children.

 Among American students are promoting homosexuality  School

The staff of the Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Hawaii accused of propaganda homosexuality   among schoolchildren. The public rebelled after children from 11 to 13 years were given gift cards, encourages them to become parties to the sex education programs. Parents have begun to doubt that it is taught in these lessons. In their opinion, it is nothing like learning the basics of anal sex and same-sex relationships.

The program seemed controversial and highly inappropriate for children at such a young age. Outraged parents and local lawmakers urge to revise the curriculum. After all, instead of forming anti-gay beliefs in children, such "scientific" program is only suggestive that homosexuality - is the norm.

In addition, the university is accused of unjustified waste of five million grant, which they received from the US Department of Juvenile. The cost of raising those same cards for children 11, 12 and 13 years is about $ 10-20 per piece, that is more than 52 thousand dollars have been spent on them, according to Western television channels. (READ MORE)

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Friday, April 22, 2016

The list of harmful negative thoughts

The problem of "thought disorder" in which the relation of man to himself and the world is built on the negativism, neuroscientists considered one of the most significant accidents occurring with health. Trying to classify the negative thoughts, physicians identified most "bad" ones, can cause significant damage especially quality life.

 The list of harmful negative thoughts  negative thoughts

  According to experts, Some negative attitudes contribute to the development and consolidation of a human bad habits, potentially able to destroy his life and himself as personality. In the list of the most risky in this sense includes the following judgments Beliefs:
  "All or nothing".   Such a thought is inherent in the people who are afraid to make mistakes, to do something wrong. These idealists I do not understand that anyone can make mistakes, and it is quite naturally. This mindset leads to the fact that the failure on the way to the goal of "break" people who do not allow them to accept the imperfection of the world.
  "Generalization of negativity."   Users become hostage to negative thoughts that exaggerate a problem situation. Often, they operate at the same concepts of "always", "never", "every time."
  "The concentration on the negative." This problem is characterized by the fact that even the positive situation viewed from the perspective of negativity. According to doctors, the concentration on the negative It contributes to the release of substances in the body that increases the feeling of unhappiness, disaster, lower self-control.
  "Self-flagellation." Constant vyiskivanie own shortcomings provokes a rise in feelings of guilt. As self-defense embittered person can become aggressive towards others, which It will see what motivates him feel guilty.
  "Search for the guilty."   Shifting guilt on someone's shoulders teaches a person to install, "I - a victim of circumstances, foreign intrigue, dishonesty and so on. " Thus, it may not even try to change something in their lives.
  "The non-recognition".   When a man refuses to recognize the problem, he does not feel strong motivation for her solutions. Get out of this quagmire of failure over time, becoming difficult.
  This list was published in his work American neuroscientist Daniel J.. Amen, many years studying the link between obesity, health, happiness, and a lack of automatic negative thoughts. This expert is convinced that in life there have been changes for the better, you should be able to let go of negative thoughts, try visible not only any problem with a negative, but the positive side. (READ MORE)


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Fatherless boy soon have children

 Fatherless boy soon have children  Growing up in families without fathers, children will later give birth to heirs significantly earlier than their peers. This is the conclusion, researchers from the London School of Economics.

If the boy for some reason loses his father at the age of seven years, already in adulthood, he is 7% more he becomes a young dad. If the child's father disappeared when his son, from 7 to 16 years old, this boy in adult life by 4-5% is increasingly becoming a parent before their peers. Young fathers called the men who have become parents until 23 years.

Curiously, the disappearance of the father of a son aged 11 to 16 years increases the chances of a boy at a later entry into puberty . These findings were based on analysis of records of 9500 men born in 1958. These studies are published in the journal Royal Society's Biology Letters.

As we found out, 25% of boys who lived with their fathers noticed breaking voice   at the age of about 13 years. In those families where the fathers for some reason disappeared when their sons was 11 years old and older breaking voice   19% often held after 13 years. And those boys whose fathers were absent from the earlier period, his voice broke down after 13 years on 23% more often. Breaking voices   It is one of the key indicators of the entry into puberty .

"Our research shows that not only the father's absence may affect the start of puberty, his son, but the specific time of the absence, - said study author Paul Sheppard. - It was especially surprising to learn that pubertal boys is delayed because of the events that occur in their childhood. In the past we thought that such incidents are "locked" in early childhood, is not reflected in the future lives of boys. "

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He broke up the marriage of actress Catherine Vulichenko

Some time ago, among secular chroniclers rumor that the 34-year-old actress Catherine Vulichenko going through a difficult time in their marriage. It was found that the reasons for such a Hearing really were. Media reported that the actress divorced.

 He broke up the marriage of actress Catherine Vulichenko  Catherine Vulichenko

  The marriage of Catherine and Vulichenko businessman Denis Trifonov lasted nine years, the couple has a daughter, Sonja. Also, reporters We found out that the couple had officially denounced their marriage in September. Why are they We decided to leave, and what happened in their family, both kept secret. The representative of the actress announced that Catherine is not ready to discuss the situation his divorce, and requested to respect for her private life.
  Earlier Catherine herself told in an interview, she met her future husband at the airport, and its feelings for him have been love at first sight. The novel was so rapid that lovers They married after only two months after they met. Vulichenko I recognized that it is very happy in his marriage.

 He broke up the marriage of actress Catherine Vulichenko  Catherine and Denis Trifonov Vulichenko

Catherine Vulichenko with the ex-spouse

  Surrounded by couples say that marital union upset frequent separations, which led to a cooling of relations. As a financier, Trifonov most of the time spent on work in foreign missions, while Catherine had to be absent due to filming. However, according to available reportedly after breaking Denis and Catherine were able to maintain positive attitude.
  Recall that Ekaterina Vulichenko played in the movie "Star", "the nameless heights", "The State Advisor "and others. (Read more)


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10 tips to help a woman become a millionaire

How should behave working women, to succeed in business and become millionaires? Its recommendations to the It gives the well-known psychologist Dr. Judith Miller Barker, author of "The Riddle millionaires: how working women grew rich, and the way you achieved ".

 10 tips to help a woman become a millionaire  How to Become a Millionaire

Tip 1. Create your capital and manage them

Define your goals and actively accumulate and manage money, spending them strictly according to need. If you We decided to create their own business and become Millionaire , Write a well-founded business plan, and if you do not You may perform the intended purpose, strategy review and select the new directions.

Tip 2. Do not be surprised prejudice and discrimination

Today, such a bias against women in business are much less common than a few tens years ago, but they still have a place to be. Make sure in advance that the not reflect the stereotypes. Do not behave as you expect from a man. Work hard, earn respect and surpass others, to win victory.

Tip 3. The balance between work and family

Choose a partner or spouse, who agree to actively share with your chores and parenting children. If your husband will stick the traditional model, in which all of this has been his wife, then bznes you just do not have time.

Tip 4. Be a real leader

Before win leadership position and become a millionaire You You should be aware of its strength and its weakness. This knowledge will give you confidence and the ability to excel. Be toughness and compassion - a modern leadership style requires it.

Tip 5. Be less sensitive

Take control of all you, In your opinion, causes stress, learn to express their needs and feelings without guilt. This will help you to communicate with people who will support you in your chosen direction.

Tip 6. Create a circle of friends

Communicate with the people - men and women - that cause you the joy with which you enjoy. it Genuine friendship based on honesty and loyalty, and can help business.

Tip 7. Find a mentor

It is very useful to learn from others people who were able to succeed in business that you have chosen. Mentors can be found as in the company or in any other organization or among relatives.

Tip 8. Be sociable

Success in business requires the ability to persuade people to agree with what you are offering them. Focus on the development of these skills. You can read the relevant literature, but nothing replace your personal experience - go to business meetings more often look like other people work, but develop your own style.

Tip 9. Work as a millionaire

Achieved all millionaires themselves, As a rule, focused, well-organized, they know how to get along with everyone, communicate, have extensive experience in management, know your business from the very bottom and up to the top, being an expert in this field. Therefore, you You should choose the cause that gives rise to your passion. The work does not bring fun, you will not succeed.

Council 10. Define your personality

Be yourself, but try to develop his character traits that increase the chances of succeed in business. This concentration, flexibility, openness and extroversion. Extra preventing traits, such as irritability or neuroticism minimized. (READ MORE)


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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Women in retirement - at risk for anorexia

 Women in retirement - at risk for anorexia  Anorexia usually associated with teenagers and young adults, but it is now all eating disorder is more common in women of retirement age. They, too, feel the pressure of the cult of thinness.

Up to 54 years old Englishwoman Margaret Bradley (pictured), never trouble themselves with diets. Slim on the nature of the mother of two children simply prefer a healthy diet and regular visits to the gym. This made it possible to look 10 years younger than his years. But at 54, Margaret suddenly decided that the age will soon lose her slender figure. And far-fetched after Christmas to lose a few kilos that only then do not worry.

It has limited the number of calories to 1250 a day, and when it did not produce a rapid effect, until 1000 (half the recommended rate of women). A year later, in spite of the rapid weight loss, the woman continued to lose weight, eating some salads and vegetables. The desire to be more slender was stronger than common sense. Eventually, this led to anorexia .

Over the past 11 years the number of diseases of anorexia among women increased by 42%. In the minds of most people are beginning anorexic model, a high school and a girl age 25-30. But according to statistics 78% of deaths from anorexia   are women with an average age of 69 years!

For older ladies effects of an eating disorder in the body is much more dangerous than for teenagers. Defenses are weakened by this age, there are chronic diseases, age-related changes in the heart and other vital organs. So that such a severe stress as anorexia often leads to death.

Margaret Bradley was forced to leave work because of poor health. Now she does not even have the ability to sit with their grandchildren - it prevents a permanent weakness. Recently, she was hospitalized for two weeks to carry out an intravenous feeding. Today, it passes rigorous treatment of anorexia. The doctor told her to death, Margaret did not have time to lose 2-3 kilograms.


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Not life and hemorrhoids!

 Not life and hemorrhoids!  Not life and hemorrhoids!
For both diseases can lead a sedentary lifestyle and excessive fiznagruzki.
Seven causes of disease and how to do without surgery, expert advice

It can develop hemorrhoids because of varicose veins?


Alexey Stepanov doctor phlebologist:

- Yes, these diseases may be linked. The presence of varicose veins in the legs shows the weakness of the connective tissue (which consist of blood vessel walls). A hemorrhoids - is also varicose veins of the rectum. That is a predisposition to hemorrhoids you have. So if you suffer from constipation, experiencing discomfort and pain when going to the toilet, check for the presence of a proctologist hemorrhoids.

Some years I suffer from constipation. The doctor said it was due to hemorrhoids and should be removed. Is it possible to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery?


- Until recently, it was believed that the hemorrhoid can be removed only by surgery. But modern technology allows about 85% of patients to avoid the surgeon's scalpel. For the latest techniques are donning latex rings on hemorrhoids, infrared and radio wave coagulation, sclerotherapy (injection of special gluing patients vials inside drugs hemorrhoids). Also, your doctor may recommend the use of special drugs that combine an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Can you recognize yourself hemorrhoids?


- The first "bells": a sense of discomfort when going to the toilet, when the "desirable, but can not" pain in the anus, as well as the presence of blood in the stool. And to distinguish blood from the hemorrhoidal bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract may be so. Hemorrhoids blood scarlet, located on the surface of the stool, while other pathologies - the blood is mixed with a chair, making his blood-dark. But to accurately diagnose - hemorrhoids, you need to pass course of the study. Sometimes it is enough sigmoidoscopy (this word means in the complex reality of digital examination of the rectum), sometimes you have to go through ultrasound and colonoscopy.

It is believed that women suffer from hemorrhoids often than men. Why is that?


- Yes, hemorrhoids - often attack women. There are several reasons. Very often the symptoms of hemorrhoids begin during or after pregnancy. It is associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure during this period. Compounding is a sedentary lifestyle, excessive physical stress, weight lifting, abuse of fatty, sugary and spicy food, smoking.


The disease of office workers and bikers ...

What can lead to hemorrhoids? Yes, everything that increases the pressure and causes stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvic and rectal venous plexus:

1. Heredity, congenital weakness of the connective tissue of the veins. And genetic predisposition to varicose veins and is transmitted through the male and the female line. So, for example, if mothers are the "cluster" veins in the legs, then his son, not standing up for 6-8 hours with an office chair, it increases the risk of hemorrhoids.

2. Improper diet (a diet poor in fiber, love and sharp little caffeine, which stimulates the intestine.

3 . Excessive alcohol consumption.

4.   Sedentary, sedentary "office" way of life, or, conversely, too heavy fiznagruzki.

5.   The tendency to constipation.

6.   Some sports (horseback riding, riding a motorcycle, bicycle) and long sitting at the wheel (previously hemorrhoids called "disease truckers'). Again, due to the fact that the "fifth point" for too long is in the "glued" to the seat state. In addition to wind speed often prohvatyvaet, that get more and chronic pelvic hypothermia.

7.   Pregnancy and childbirth. With the growth of the fetus normal outflow of blood from the veins of the legs is broken due to compression of large venous plexus. So the future mums, especially at high pregnancy necessarily need to wear support stockings or socks antivarikoznye. The very same process of childbirth also puts additional strain on the blood vessels that are in the abdomen.


 Not life and hemorrhoids!
Quick test for hemorrhoids
 Not life and hemorrhoids!
What you did not know about hemorrhoids
 Not life and hemorrhoids!
Anorectal disease
 Not life and hemorrhoids!

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car

The number of deaths of children left behind by parents forgetful locked cars in the sun, already amounts to many tens. Simple American student figured out how to put an end to this.

 Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car  The invention of the schoolboy

Abandoned machines children
  die from overheating. We all remember the horror stories of death young Russians Dima Yakovlev, who was adopted by an American family. Adoptive father forgot the boy in the car, when he left for work, and after a few hours Dima died from overheating. When the man told the police about it, he suffered a massive heart attack, but it was nothing to do anymore.

 Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car  The invention of the schoolboy

12-year-old student from Tennessee, Andrew Pelham created gadget called EZ Baby Saver, designed specifically for salvation abandoned car child . The device is a bright neon strip of rubber, adhesive tape, which is attached to the driver's seat and door handle inside. When the driver opens the door, then immediately gadget She invites him to check the back seat, which is usually the forgotten child.

 Schoolboy figured out how not to forget the children in the car  The invention of the schoolboy

Baby Saver instantly became very popular and discussed, since it is very easy to install and use. And for its manufacturing used materials that can be found in any household. Most pleasant that gadget the homemade - it does not need to buy at the store or via the Internet, as anyone quickly enough to build something like his hands.

Recently, Andrew Pelham won the first prize at the contest of young Inventors Rubber Band Contes, and the device has attracted media attention. Resulting in an award of $ 500 the boy is going to spend on a laptop, and toys. Note that a few years ago 15-year-old American student jack andraka He developed a method for diagnosing pancreatic cancer at an early stage - when the disease is still possible to win. Andraka came up with a simple test that can save many thousands of lives, because this type of cancer kills up to 97% their victims. (READ MORE)

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Teach the child to the toilet costs $ 1750

Some parents are so busy people, they do not even have time to time to educate their children using the toilet. Now, in New York opened a firm that It specializes in kids acquainted with the toilet and toilet paper.

 Teach the child to the toilet costs $ 1750  teach the child to the toilet

Scope of the company NYC Potty Training - training young children use adult toilets and toilet paper - it seems absurd and useless. In fact, this is not the first company that specializes in Schooling the child to the toilet . In recent years, Americans have become increasingly turn to the services of experts "toilet literacy."

However, in the case of NYC Potty Training affects not only their specialization, as the cost of services. One-day course accustom the child to toilet   It costs $ 925, and a more reliable and effective two days - absolutely stunning $ 1 750. For that amount the average American family can relax at some resort in Mexico for two weeks, and even in good hotel.

However, for those parents, Molly Goldberg, which has hired an expert firm to train its three sons Sam, the price tag is quite justified. Working mom from New York stated that she tried to explain to the boy what to do in toilet, but I lost all patience and decided to call the professionals.

Arrived on call founder of the company NYC Potty Training Samantha Allen, a certified professionals working with children requiring special treatment, conducted with boy two and a half hours, and showed how the real toilet. After that, my mother Sam takes him to the bathroom every 30 minutes during training for throughout the day. A few days later the boy has mastered this artless science. Since its launch last month, the company has become very popular among parents of New York, and happy Molly only increased this popularity when shared her story on the social networks. (READ CONT)

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Myopia cure night lens

 Myopia cure night lens  The vast majority of children with visual impairment are suffering from myopia. They can not clearly see objects that are at a great distance, which caused deformation of the eyeball. New contact lenses, which need not be removed before going to sleep, can slow and even stop   blurred vision.
The lenses work on the principle of dental braces. They exert gentle pressure on the eye in order to gradually restore their shape. This contributes Advancement of .

In the study, SMART, which lasted five years in the UK, about 300 children aged 8 to 14 years used special   contact lenses   for eyes. Visible progress has been made after years of observations - Development shortsightedness   considerably slowed down or even stopped.

The lenses for overnight wear, addressed to adults, have long been known. However, the beneficial effect of the shape of the eyeball is temporary as an adult cornea with time still returns to its previous form. In this way, contact lenses   I have to wear every night constantly. British scientists have noticed that the children progress much more stable. This is due to the fact that children's eyeballs continue the growth process.

"Night contact lenses   can be an effective means of treating   myopia in children - Says consultant ophthalmologist Hospital Southampton, a member of the scientific committee of the Royal College of Ophthalmology UK Parvez Hussain. - Although the next few years we will not know about it for sure. "

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Butterfly Boy is afraid of any touch

This charming baby boy butterfly called the extremely fragile skin. She starts to bubble up almost after every touch that gives a child great suffering.

 Butterfly Boy is afraid of any touch  dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

In the English county of Durham resident Mason Crossley recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa   - A hereditary disease skin, leading to the formation of painful blisters. Healthy human skin It consists of three layers, but Mason's only two of them, as a boy deprived medium protective layer bonding the inner and outer layers.

 Butterfly Boy is afraid of any touch  dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

Because the skin disease has developed an extraordinary boy sensitivity, it responds to any touch starting flake and form bubbles. Therefore, even the usual ritual of dressing turns to two years of a baby in the torture with endless pain. Doctors took several months to put Mason correct diagnosis. Alas, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa   is an incurable disease.

 Butterfly Boy is afraid of any touch  dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

"It's quite small, but very active child, and we My husband and I do not want it to be limited to those pleasures that have it peers - say Mama Mason. - But our son need to be huge caution. One day he went to bed, and the touch of the sheets caused him painful blisters on the face. If it falls down and hits (not matter how much), it must appear on the skin wound. Mason shouts and cries of pain, when we have to disguise it. He can not be explained, that the pain we must endure, because otherwise he would feel more worse. "

In the UK, suffer from this disease of 17 000 people, and kids with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa are often called "butterflies", since their skin is sensitive, as the wings butterflies. (READ MORE)

Healthy Child

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Autism to diagnose during pregnancy

The ability to diagnose autism at an early stage is a serious problem for the treatment of this disease - To fix its presence pediatricians can only after the birth of the child, and often only a few years after birth. Meanwhile, British experts believe that a large the probability of observing a tendency to autism in the fetus even at the stage of pregnancy Ultrasound helps.

 Autism to diagnose during pregnancy  autism diagnosis

  The researchers reported that children with autism is rapidly growing body and brain in the early second trimester pregnancy - and this fact reveals the conventional ultrasound. "Ultrasound is well detects abnormal growth, if the doctor is, to compare received indicators ", - experts shared their opinions.
  To such conclusion the British pediatricians came after analyzing a huge number of ultrasound examinations, made in December 2008. The experts compared the data of US children who It was later diagnosed with autism, indicators of maternal age and external factors environment, which acted on the fetus during pregnancy. Too fast the development of the brain and the body of the fetus during pregnancy the mother became the hallmark factor in these cases - doctors pay special attention to this diagnosticians.
  Recall that at the present currently under active development of a complete technique for the early detection autism. The advantage of early diagnosis is that it allows not losing the first years of a child's life, and to engage in correction of his condition. The before parents and doctors pay attention to the specific features, characteristic of autism, and become involved with the child - the less tragic are the consequences of this controversial rejection. Practice shows that the first signs of autism is most often found in the age of 3-4 years. (READ MORE)

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

7-year-old boy lost his sight because of the bracelets Loom Bands

Mega-popular children's bracelet Loom Bands was the cause of vision loss in one eye at a 7-year-old boy. All attempts by the doctors to help your child have ended unsuccessfully.

 7-year-old boy lost his sight because of the bracelets Loom Bands  Loom Bands

Brother little Englishman Kyle Lawrence accidentally hit him in the eye bracelet Loom Bands When they are woven together him that It causes redness and the appearance of a blood clot. Subsequently, the child developed cataracts, and Kyle temporarily blinded in one eye. His parents We hoped that the surgery would allow to correct this damage eyes, but it did not lead to success.

 7-year-old boy lost his sight because of the bracelets Loom Bands  Loom Bands

According to doctors, eye injury   the child turned irreversible as severely affected eye muscles. Now his pupil constantly it seems to spread because opacities. And the child sees the left eye, it is some shade, because of what it has already freed up favorite sporting events such as football, for fear that he might get even one injury.

 7-year-old boy lost his sight because of the bracelets Loom Bands  Loom Bands

Kyle's mother, who is raising has five children, urged other parents to be more attentive to bracelets Loom Bands . which are gaining increasing popularity. And on Facebook has appeared a whole group based children's doctor, which aims to ban developing the use of bracelets for children. It describes and other terrible events that have taken place with the kids.

For example, the story of a a little boy who clocked bracelet very closely on his fingers and I fell asleep. On the morning of his fingers turned black - fabric already beginning to die out due to lack of blood supply. Some children take the bracelet in her mouth and swallow them, which could cause suffocation. (READ MORE)

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We found a cure for Parkinson's disease: a scientific sensation!

 We found a cure for Parkinson's disease: a scientific sensation!  Scholars may receive funds from the incurable as previously thought, illness.

Parkinson's disease is the most common disease in the world among the elderly, suffer them equally men and women. Although the first bells may appear in 40 years and even before, as, for example, from Muhammad Ali. The main manifestation - tremors and involuntary movements of the arms and legs, which are due to the withering away of neurons in certain areas of the brain.

Causes of this disease are not fully known - and atherosclerosis of the brain and injuries. Home Version - specific genetic defects (PINK1 and Parkin), which manifest themselves under certain circumstances. Treatment As for the last time, too, was largely symptomatic.

But it seems that patients with Parkinson's in the near future it will be possible to provide more effective assistance. Neurologist Patrick Verstrekenu with colleagues from Northern Illinois University was able to cope with a genetic defect that causes Parkinson's disease - due to vitamin K2, according to medical publication Science.

It is known that the mitochondria produce energy in the cell, transferring electrons. Patients with Parkinson mainly affects the function. That is, the cell loses energy and begins to fade, due neurons collapsing. And the signal from the brain to the limbs is defective. A vitamin K2 injection responsible for blood clotting and vascular conductance, improved energy production in mitochondria. And neural connections were restored. Anyway, tests on laboratory animals have given good results.

By the way, the most vitamin K2 in egg yolks, beef liver and kidneys.


The main symptoms of Parkinson's disease:

1. Stiffness and slowness of movement, usually begin in the right half of the body, and then, after a while, gradually capture the other side.

2. Power of all muscles - increased tone. It is involuntary and eventually the patient limbs gradually bent, back ssutulivaetsya. Neuroscientists call this position "posture of the petitioner."

3. gait becomes shuffling and mincing. The man shifts the center of gravity, he loses his balance and even falls.

4. When a patient does not move his arms and shaking his chin clearly, but the tremor during movement was observed.

5. The patient has "frozen" face, he rarely blinks.

6. Despite the fact that the intellect remains, slowed thinking and attention.

7. associated disorders are: reduction of smell, constipation, urination disorders.


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